Gavin Newsom only tries to clean up California during elections and visits from his real boss - dictator Xi Jinping.

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One of the things keeping me in the Trump camp is that he forced the Chinese to sell the Port of Los Angeles back to a US company. It was a slow move of closing the naval base there to the sale of the port to a Chinese owned company across both R & D presidents. A few Congressmembers questioned it, but a major distraction was created as usual.

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Do I misremember the Clinton admin planning to sell a chunk of San Diego to the Chinese? Was it North Island?!? That generated some outrage. It was probably designed to soften up Cali for eventually giving Port LA to the CCP. Evil never sleeps and never gives up. Neither can we.

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If I’m not mistaken, the Hotel Del Coronado, overlooking our nuclear sub base and innumerable other military sites WAS sold to the CCP (in case anyone ?s the CCP role, every Chinese owned company is required by law to report to the CCP).

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Sooo...the enemy is at the gate of our country!! How despicable are the DEMONratic potentates - they must truly HATE the USA - or do they just LOVE power and money more??

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The enemy invasion is everywhere ... colleges and universities, farmland, access to capital markets, immigration, fentanyl, invasion complicity at the border, political contributions ... and on and on.

The Dems are truly evil, but so have been the R's in never resisting, always accommodating, and never ever speaking against. Take Covid. The congressional R representation almost were 100% behind covid tyranny and democide. This said, there was local political resistance in Red areas, like my locality in Roanoke County, Virginia. In Roanoke County, the county police, the local Board of Supervisors, the sheriff and the Commonwealth Attorney refused to enforce state mandates. Still, this is not aggressive and openly stated resistance. And in short, covid health terrorism could not have happen without Republican complicity.

I don't cut any of the US political class any slack.

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Hello daver..You are 100% correct. Sending "strongly worded letters" is political bull-speak for "we are with you, but we have to pretend to do something so we get re-elected." I pray every night for this nation at 2000, along with folks in a movement who do just the same, at the same time. Whatever time zone you are in, just pray at 8 p.m. for this nation. It is the most effective weapon against our enemies. As you can see...they are falling apart and it is delightful to watch the show. Watching and realizing that the war we fight is not of flesh and blood but of principalities and powers. God wins, but that doesn't mean we don't have to fight this battle. It is a battle that we fight to stay standing in our strong faith and trust in the Lord. That's it. He has already won, but He needs us strong and praying and worthy of His sacrifice.

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And thus we, who are NOT of this world since accepting salvation by faith through the GRACE of our Almighty Creator God...are to be SALT (to cure the wounds made by the 'fiery darts' of Lucifer) and LIGHT amidst the darkness swirling around the world. Let's be ALERT for the MASTER'S VOICE saying "Come up hither"!!

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You’re right.

The political class is entirely corrupt.

A few outsiders (DJT et al) are putting up resistance,

But it really comes down to The People.

There are hundreds of millions of people who, if they flex their political/social/financial muscles, can sweep the villains away.

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daver - Yep, complicity abounds - getting harder and harder to know who to hate...

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The rioters and felons who infested DC...how did they get in? Are they homegrown anarchists or did they fly in with all the riot gear, balakavas and spray paint on privately funded Sorosair 2024? Did they pack the extra tents for the homeless city drop on the way over?

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Read they were all at Kamala’s rally the day before , and bused in ( Therefore I think they are paid)

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Actually, like ancient Troy, we have broken down our walls and brought the Trojan horse inside. It is just a matter of time before they openly declare war from within. And if the Cackling Hyena actually wins (or steals) the presidency they won't have any reason to hide

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That is what I'm praying will NOT happen - however, I also pray that God's will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN!! We, who are the Bride of Christ should be "trimming our lamps" at all times in preparation for the COMING OF THE BRIDEGROOM!!

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So scary!

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They follow orders from their commanding officer, Satan

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Lucifer has a form of "power" right now on EARTH only - we have our Almighty Creator God's TRUE POWER within us via the HOLY SPIRIT. Sooo...guess who is REALLY enjoying TRUE POWER!! WE ARE....this world is NOT my home.....I see the road to ETERNAL JOY in the future!!

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They rub our noses in it if you are paying attention. The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences had their awards recently I believe . What's that spell backwards ? SATAN.

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Yes. The answer is ‘YES’

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Ditto re: Chinese businesses!

Golden Dragon Copper Plant in Alabama is one! Some of us tried to get traction on. This travesty … to no avail.

State/local leaders applauded the opening & ribbon cutting.

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Scripture called it. The love of money is the root of all evil.

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I hadn't heard of that. Long Beach?

Here's link to The Duran with Robert Barnes. Huge points made not usually heard anywhere on J. D. Vance and on 'the assassination attempt' which make sense and worth hearing even though massive problems remain even with Barnes' explanations. The political analysis here is top rate, stuff I almost never hear.


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Can’t get it to play.

But 2 HOURS?!?!

Is there a condensed version?

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2 HOURS! I know! There's very few things I sit and listen for that amount of time. But you can always click and choose. And if you don't like it, just give it the big whoose off into Deep Cyber Space ... and never to be seen again.

I don't agree with every bit of the analysis. But a) it challenges my thought processes, and b) Barnes accesses things I could not in a million years. Good source material here.

Here's the Metager search and all kinds of places:


This playing in my Yandex browser. You could always go to Rumble, type in The Duran and look for the below title. I think it is on YouTube.


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Thank you!

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You are welcomed.

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Play it while you do other tasks. I often listen at 1.25 speed. It helps. Worth the time.

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Did not know this. Will try to find more.

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Anything else you can think of that’s keeping you in the Trump camp?

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Gavin Nuisance's hypocrisy is so blatant as to be utterly nauseating. What a perfect candidate to carry on the work of JRB, along with Kamala. These are the smarmiest, most oleaginous reptiles to ever grace to political stage, and that's saying a lot. I can't wait to see them go down in flames.

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They cannot be on the same ticket - unless Hair Gel moves residence to his vacay house in Montana.

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Newsome has a vacation home in Montana? He needs to keep his ass in the state he ruined.

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While everyone else had to stay home due to his dictatorship’s decrees, he took his wife and children there…even thinking about him makes me nauseous.

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I believe he took them there after banning travel for CA state employees to Montana...

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Or Kamalot gives up her CA residence.

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We in CA have had time to observe what a shallow, mindless numbnut Newsom is, but outside of CA people may not realize what he's really like. He has no intelligent ideas, he's dumb as a rock, but he takes orders from the party rulers very very well.

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Yes, and it's our job to make sure people elsewhere in the country realize this! Spread the news about Newsom far and wide!

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Really? Going after Xi? Gearing up the people for war with China? Sad.

Let's focus on our own dictators/rulers.

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Agreed. Here in the states, our dictators, what I call the Oligarchical Party has us all in our nice little comfort cages: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-comfortable-cage-of-our-modern

….While we bicker back and forth

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Well...Franklin....what you lay out is indeed TRUTH of a sort...I have visited other countries--have you? All I can say is...the 'plans' of the American 'oligarchy' were not intended to imprison humanity--they were indeed to increase their wealth--and also to "share the wealth" to a small degree with the "masses". I am one of the "masses" and I consider myself to be UNcaged - free to refuse a nefarious bioweapon jab - because my Creator God gave me a very uniquely created body whose immune system supports my body in a miraculous way! I don't care if we have oligarchs.....I DO care if they infringe on my bodily autonomy--which they "tried" to do and FAILED.

I appreciate your "deep thinking" though---truly!!

SHALOM, fellow UNcaged citizen of the "United" States of America.

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Sharon! Thank you for these words - brought a smile to my face. Indeed, I do not care for the oligarchs— only when they come to mess with us! Thanks for this again, truly appreciated

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“I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free!” Thank you, Lee Greenwood. There’s a reason a lot of the world is literally risking life and limb to get here.

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I’m not able to subscribe to him so can’t read it all.

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Read that recently , and forwarded to a number of people

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Newsome prepares for California’s annexation to the CCP. Just kidding, I hope.

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Trump wants to bomb Iran. So hey, I guess wars are cool now

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Or maybe when Gavs parents come to town.......

Gosh, Look Mom and Dad.....

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Don't forget his Aunty Pelosi...LOL

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We drive over the Bay Bridge from Berkeleyville to Treasure Island every morning and witnessed first hand the removal of the waterfront encampments (prime homeless real estate) including one that has been there for years - had a fence and “Private Property” sign, lawn furniture and strings of lights (plugged in how?). These were all encampments for ppl who had vehicles (too far from services otherwise). Side note they also had removed the chain link that separates their area from the freeway of 10+ lanes approaching the bridge (past the toll plaza) so they could just drive onto the bridge without paying a toll. Ppl are so creative ! 🤡

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One has to believe they get regular garbage pick-up services. Otherwise they would soon be buried.

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Yep, he did expend tons of taxpayer's dollars for Xi's visit to clean up his human feces dumping grounds called San Francisco.

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California is “home” to HALF the homeless population in the U.S. he has spent billions on it and has done nothing.

Newsom will California the country if he is ever elected or put into a federal job.

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There should be a bumper sticker that says "Don't let Newsom California our country."

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I was coming on here to mention that. Also, Jeff obviously hasn’t spent much time in CA. They build “homes” out of cardboard boxes, scraps of wood, etc. Some of these are quite the feats of engineering. I live in the Los Angeles area. They have built their “homes” in bridge struts. They are very ingenuous.

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Like VP cackles, another CA politician who has no ethical component of the soul but to gain power.

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Oh my, could it be??? That Newsom is Plan C???

Nah, just joking, or am I???

This full-court press of Commie-ho by the LSM is just to see if it will invoke ANY interest. As you can see in the video, only the low-info (i.e stupid) people are enthused.

When this fails, you better believe Newsom will be riding into Chicago on his "white horse" (ooh, maybe he better re-think that color) to save the day! (I just threw-up a little.)

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Speaking of cleaning up cities: this ruling comes just in time for the DNC convention in Chicago. I am old enough to remember Mayor Daley erecting a wall between the Cabrini Green ghetto and the surrounding thoroughfares the delegates would travel to the convention site,(DNC 1968?). Can not have this Blue City showing its tawdry side in 2024! Esp when Gov Jumbo wants a large seat at the Fed table/trough. Get the street sweepers and pressure washers ready.

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Just like you pretending to be a good guy when you’re controlled opposition

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Back to the basement for you.

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Arguing with a bot is useless. Ignore is your friend and makes your day much more enjoyable.

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Arguing with a bot is useless. Ignore is your friend and makes your day much more enjoyable.

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That’s what the retarded sheep say…

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Name-caller alert!!

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No more pasta for you until you clean your room.

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Ok boomer - I get it. You’re a brainwashed sheep who says the same shit as every other idiot online

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Marc, Marc... read your posts, no one can hear you. Please explain your first post to Yuri and how you can prove it with facts. Otherwise, you are simply a brainless loud mouth who should get back under your rock. Or basement as Chris advises.

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So. . . Marc.

How about dumping at least ONE real fact how Bezmenov is actually controlled opposition instead of simply throwing out accusations. . . ?? hmmm? we are waiting.

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Well, that didn't take long now did it?

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Please explain, with evidence.

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Oh lordy, please don't ask him to explain! Oh the pain of it all!

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lol, like

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He has no evidence, else it would have been posted. So, we can determine he is a classic indoctrinated liberal, with talking points based on hate, and anger, and never on reality.

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My entire story is documented on my Substack..

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Then go back there, but dont expect us to follow. If you want to make a legit statement, then post it. Otherwise, your personal attacks are not worthy of this substack. Have a good day.

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It's a fascinating story from the first sentence: “I was born a poor, negatively charged microchip.”

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Well I’m glad we’ve got the experts at the FBI on this.

A mere two weeks into the investigation and we’re already close to determining whether or not there were bullets involved in this shooting.

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So many acronyms.

FBI: Flubbing Ballistics Intel

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Well done!

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lol, correct

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Gee if only we miraculously had multiple camera's recording the event, maybe even high speed cameras by absolutely no coincidence that could have shown the bullet and livestreamed it to America... we might be able to rule out the supersonic hummingbird theory.

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Actually, TR, if you look very, very carefully at that photo, you can see a tiny little beak sticking out at the business end of that vapor trail. Jus sayin…… :)

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But is it an African Supersonic Hummingbird or a European Supersonic Hummingbird? And where were the coconut shells found? Important questions...

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Or perhaps a drone mosquito being controlled by Putin or Iran..

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It could grip it in its usk!

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Maybe he just had a 3rd degree wind-burn? You never know!

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I think one of his bobby pins he uses to keep his glorious head of hair in check went rogue.

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It could have been a case of an aggressive Windmill Cancer.

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lol, love

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Gives new meaning to magic bullets.

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*magic glass chards

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Interesting comment!

In the Kennedy assassination the magic bullets (there were more than one) found their mark and did the job. In the Butler assassination (so far, it's only the truth which got knocked off) none of the magic bullets (unless one counts the irreality of the ear 'shot') did the job.

So, when buying Magic Bullets in the Magic Bullet Store, be certain you get the ones you want because they are not all the same.

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At the end of the day, what is the play here? What does Wray hope to achieve by being coy about whether or not Trump was hit by an actual bullet v. shrapnel? Does he think it somehow diminishes the significance or severity of the event? Is he hoping to somehow reframe this as "not really an attempt on Trump's life?" It appears Wray took his talking points from the delusional Joy Reid who was spouting non-sense about "the evidence" a week ago. Shame on Wray. This is another reason why federal bureaucracies need complete overhauls. What a slimy jerk. Remember, this is the guy who, in previous testimony, left a hearing early to fly to his vacation ON THE TAXPAYER DIME.

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Maybe now Trump won’t be so generous in funding a new fbi HQ with taxpayer dollars!

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Present building should be razed...like Bldg. 7...and never replaced.

Put US Marshals in charge.

After all, the US Marshals are protecting Fauci 24/7.

And they even drive him around.

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US Marshall's are following J6'ers, and other USC's, around the airports these days. Not even joking.

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It’s just another example of the Corrupted Corporate Media which, as we all know, is always anti-Trump. Journalism is dead.

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Right. A guy (or two people, much more likely) were able to take eight shots at Mr. Trump because the Secret Service left an obvious building open to tourists with rifles.

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Nobody wants to know anything about 'the attempt' or find out anything. Everyone, however, wants to work the narrative stick from both ends of the broom. And I predict that DJT, once he is president again will refuse to get to the bottom of this. I hope I am wrong. But I am not going to bet against myself on this.

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Is there a question as to whether or not it was a bullet or shrapnel that killed Corey?

Does it even matter whether it was a bullet in Trumps ear or shrapnel? What caused the shrapnel? A BULLET!!


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Exactly; he throws out such a tidbit, but waffles on pertinent info. More gaslighting & look there not here. You described him perfectly.

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...in a FBI jet.

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You said it well.

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I don't think there's a play, they're literally just showing us how unprofessional they are, and how they clearly wish Trump was dead and wished the bullet hit its mark. It's almost as if they're so disappointed it didn't pan out, and now they reluctantly have more work to do that they weren't expecting to do, and it's "exhausted" them.

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this Wray jackass is no Director, Czar of Assassinations perhaps--the smug Fk hasn't even watched the video of the shooting (?), or maybe he just curses each time the 8 slugs miss Trump); while CowMala remains Border Czar(ina), and Newsome is apparently angling to be named Homeless Community Czar. OBAMA's played his supremacy over the Dem Party perfectly...probably even furtively helped Trump BEAT Hillary in 2016, Picked BOTH Joe AND Kow-Mala in 2020 and then Put Joe in power in 2020 with his Dominion ties; and then called all the shots for 4 years including FORCING transition president Joe out AFTER securing the primary delegates, NOW getting his hand picked Kommie-Mala set in power without any nasty Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, or Cornell West jabs even thrown at her--every Dumbocrat Must fall in line lockstep as the Commie Cult Kooks that they are. Now Barry O. just needs to cheat Trump one more time and/or knock him off, or simply run Operation Disruption/Prosecution Part II on his 2nd Administration up to and including another accidental PANDEMIC with a true 10-20% fatality/cull rate and some other brutal attacks on Capitalism/Humanity/Law/Order/Decency. This was quite likely Obama's Plan all along and what's Mean Dean, Hillary, or any of the others going to do...oppose their crafty Masters with a lawsuit? It'd be over for them and perhaps an honorable funeral thrown in for free. Obama's 4th term is going to Literally be a BITCH

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😂 In all fairness, let’s admit the FBI’s investigative acumen and insight into criminal evidence is impressive. Next mission, FBI—should you decide to accept it—summon a little of that BEFORE somebody shoots at a presidential candidate.

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I have a very liberal friend who tried to tell me a week ago that President Trump was not shot but had a 'piece of glass' hit his ear. I thought she was joking until yesterday. What length will these people in their continued effort to trash Trump. Boo on you FBI

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The glass teleprompters were pristine; not even nicked. So reported after some raised the broken glass theory early on.

Now it’s shrapnel now.

Does Wray even admit this was an attempted assassination?

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Next time, look them dead in the eye and say, "You're fucking retarded!" And walk away.

Sorry for my language, but that is what needs to happen.

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It’s what you do when you missed your target.

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How many bullets? Whose bullets? And how did at least three shooters (Colorado forensic acoustic analysis) miss and failed in 'the mission'? And if the pieces don't fit, the entirety does not make a lick of sense.

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