Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023Pinned


โ€” Shortly after I uploaded today's post, news began breaking that it appears Hamas General Hospital remains standing and is unharmed. Only the parking lot appears to have been damaged. In other words, the whole story could be fake news. I'll get everyone up to speed in tomorrow's post.

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I think the media has a cumulative mental capacity of a box of packing peanuts. Do they understand the level of buffoonery and ignorance they have shown time after time, day after day, consecutively, and with such dedication to indignation?

When they take a dump, do they wipe their mouths or their arse? Do they know the difference?

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Whatever goes on in Israel is irrelevancy with regard to the existential threats posed by invasive attack at the country's borders and by attack from subversives within the highest centers of the now captured 'government' (bioweapons, food supply, financial system/inflation, DEW weapons, criminal maladmistration, etc.). And the focus it on Israel and Hamas? Really? What about saving ourselves from extinction?

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Youโ€™ll change your mind when Biden starts relocating Palestinians to the US. Iโ€™m sure weโ€™re developing quite a terrorist network here.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

The point is to have a border period ... and no further ethnic cleansing by relocation and/or organized mass trafficking across the would be now non-extent United States borders. And the focus, for me, is not on the Zionist god-state, it is restoring order and Constitutional rule to America. It is Americans and American First. It is real jobs, real money, real sanity. It is real criminal prosecutions for things like covert operations attacks like the C19 vaccine attack.

By the way, the Zionist god-state would just love a flood of Palestinians to the US, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. It would solve their problem and maybe this is the point of this whole circus? Empty out Gaza. We'll see what gets shoved forward.

Once again folks are having their buttons pushed, their attentions misdirected and sucked in once again.

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You are right daverkb.

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Jeez! I didn't want to go there but I was wondering when that little nugget was going to show up.

Not my favorite source but here goes:


Really scary stuff especially living in a "welcoming city"....

Later Jay

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No countries in the Middle East want them. But the dumb liberals are eager to bring them to our country. Everything liberals touch turns to shit.

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Franklin O'Kanu wrote a very interesting piece the other day regarding this topic suggesting that they were fodder (my take way).


Frank's got a pretty interesting take on things. He's on here from time to time. Give it a read/listen.

Best to you.

Later Jay

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They're already here.

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That was the entire goal of opening our borders. To justify/strategize at-home terrorism--and call another "oops! Biden messed up again!" Biden is in charge of nothing. This open border was well strategized. The "Biden administration" even sued Texas and NM for trying to close the border in their states and received injunction prohibiting those states from putting up barriers. Let that sink in. The worst (at least for Americans) is yet to come.

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To Dave's point, again that is the result of the USG's immigration/open border policy.

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Hitting Daveโ€™s point, if the border was secure,that would mean immigration law was being enforced, and those neanderthals wouldnโ€™t be coming here. I wonder if the queer college students realize the only men allowed to have sex with little boys are muzzies? And those men kill real queers. Iโ€™m not sure what the difference is, but they are.

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Our present world system runs on POWER and GREED - and the financiers and power potentates (especially in banking and media) are mostly of the "jewish" persuasion. And soooo.....as the nation of Israel (which I am learning from some commentators whose words I respect is NOT considered to be legitimate by orthodox Jewish people around the globe) goes...so goes the "power potentates" as to their loyalties and verbiage!

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Those who call themselves โ€˜Jewsโ€™ but hate the nation of Israel? Every single one is a liberal, just so you know.

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This is pretty a straight forward simplistic account (from what I've learned through the years) of the origins of the state of Israel.

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The origins of the Land of Israel, come from the Biblical account when Abraham obeyed God and He promised him the land that He showed him. Genesis 15:18 says "On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram saying, To your descendants I have given this land, FROM the river of Egypt TO the great river Eupharates. So truly, where Israel sits today, is only but a portion of his inheritance... When King Jesus sits on His throne in Jerusalem, His Kingdom will have true borders...

In Gen 17:8 God again tells Abram, "Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession: and I will be their God.


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Oct 19, 2023ยทedited Oct 19, 2023

The passages are well taken, but I think Elaine Rusky also has a point worthy of good consideration.

Further, those descendants of Abram, then Abraham, became many tribes, in addition to the semitics who became Muslim and those we call Jews. Of these, Jacob (Grandson of Abraham, and son of Isaac and Rebecca) sired (with Rachel and Lea and 2 servants) the 12 tribes of Israel, the people which we think of as the Jews. It was through them the Law, Moses, the prophets, and Christ Himself came. Theyโ€™re honored in scripture but also are a picture of dishonor. Many descendants of these tribes of Israel scattered to other places as well and lost their identity.

The thing is, the many tribes descended from Abraham not via Jacob/Israel would also be heir to those promises in the Bible which you quote. Yes, the Jews (those of Jacob/Israel) were set apart by God. They were given much else besides. But the greatest gift was Jesus the lamb of God, the Savior, Godโ€™s only son, the King of Kings. I cannot conceive of such rejection of Godโ€™s greatest and clearest gift, while appropriating all the lesser ones, especially entitlement to a political, secular state and territory, guaranteed from its inception to be at war with its neighbors, being sanctified.

Thereโ€™s too much to write here, but we know that the consummate Jew, Paul wrote to the Galatians, โ€œThere is now neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.โ€œ (Gal. 3:28)

HE is who and what defines Godโ€™s people, not a name, heritage, race, status, or history. Not origins or bloodlines or ancestry. In Christ, Jew and Gentile are both one.

As Christians, If we want a homeland for Jews, we should lead them first to the Father by way of the only way to him, via their true Messiah. Then they will be home. If we love them โ€” as we are told to do โ€” first is to seek and serve the kingdom of God. Then all thing will be added by Him. If we love them, as we ought to love all men, we must keep this in mind. But it obviously presents in this day a fine needle to thread. Love, mercy and humble heart will go a long way. Peace.


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I think you are conflating the Israel of the Old Testament (God's chosen people, through Abraham) with the modern country, Israel. I think "Israel" today is spiritual (the church) and not an ethnic group of people. I say that because there are no ethnic Jews today. They intermarried constantly throughout history, and they are now indistinguishable from any other mideastern people, from a genetic standpoint. Here's an article about the spiritual nation of Israel:


There's a short article here that gives the basic scriptures leading to this concept of Israel. It has a lot of annoying popups, which you can eventually block by saying you already subscribed. (I don't think there's anything to subscribe to).


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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

You are right. This link is interesting. Especially the part on Zionism. In some other ways not totally the complete picture, and the interviewer does not know enough to always ask the right questions. For example, no mention that I can recall of the Talmud. Worth watching in my opinion.


That all the political class is falling all over themselves 'to stand with' that tiny Middle Eastern god-state says it all. But where is all this 'stand for' real borders? Haven't seen it in at least 53 years.

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The "real borders" won't be set until the Lion of Judah returns to earth with his army of angelic hosts!! We, who name the name of Jesus Christ the Lord WILL BE PERSECUTED as never before. There is no "rapture" mentioned in the Bible--that is a concept that was concocted in the late 19th century by Pentacostal pastorates.


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Sharon, what do you do with this bit of Scripture: "For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. AND the dead in Christ will rise FIRST. Then we who are ALIVE and remain shall be CAUGHT UP (harpaso Gk - rapturo: latin) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall ALWAYS be with the Lord. 1Thes 4:16-17

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I took a values test once years ago, and Power ended up #14 on my list. Guess I wonโ€™t be interested in any of the high profile opportunities these folks seem to go for

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They do not know the difference between their butts and mouths, which is why they keep spewing lies out, which is what we used to call "talking out of your butt". But I would argue it isn't low mental capacity, rather, it is blatant and obvious attempts at manipulation.

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You guys are blowing up the narrative of the tortured journalist/writer..... It's going down in flames.

Later Jay

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 19, 2023

It's not incompetence--it is a highly controlled, highly scripted set of talking points to embed into the public intellect. Plain and simple. Massive effort goes into this. Where does the head of the monster work?

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I also question โ€œpublic intellectโ€ but scorn the fact that I was once a believer in MSM. How embarrassing and humiliating.

As we have seen in the past few decades, it is deadly to listen to everything you hear or see in the news. Listening to the news can cost you your life.

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No way. If everything was orchestrated so perfectly, there is no way they would let Sleepy Joe in office. Not so โ€œplain and simple.โ€ HUH ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

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Of course they did that deliberately. Heโ€™s not running anything- the people pulling his strings are. Do you really believe Biden is there bc the deep state mafia made a mistake? SMH

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Incredible. Whatโ€™s next? The Earth is flat? The US didnโ€™t go to the moon? 9/11 was staged? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

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Not sure about the Earth but definitely never landed on the moon (the event was ludicrous) and 9/11 was an inside job in the sense that the same ruling class mafia, including GE Bush) orchestrated it. No real operation is fake or โ€œstagedโ€ but they are planned and not anything near how they are portrayed to the public.

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HAHA Are you legitimately saying that the president of the United States, the most powerful person in the world, isnโ€™t making the decisions??? Who is the person โ€œSMHโ€ing now? Because Iโ€™ll tell you itโ€™s not me.

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Yes, thatโ€™s exactly what Iโ€™m saying. He canโ€™t string two thoughts together. Heโ€™s merely an extension of the Obama admin. He is being told what to say and do.

Even if he werenโ€™t senile, he is being run by the ruling class mafia- the bankster cartels who are funneling as much remaining wealth out of this system as fast as they can, and theyโ€™re using Biden to do it. Heโ€™s just a warm body. A face for the cameras. Our countryโ€”- our government, military and intelligence were hijacked a long time ago.

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And then they scream, er, mourn the fact that nobody listens to them anymore. Why would we? They have proven their โ€œworthโ€ and journalism โ€œstandardsโ€ numerous times for more than a decade.

Many years ago (3 decades or moreโ€”which tells you how long Iโ€™ve been skeptical), I had a friend who was an intern for a local news station. I told her how biased they were. Sheโ€™s a liberal, she denied it, but all you had to do was read the headlines to see the truth. There was always a narrative that, with a little bit of research, could be disproven. I could never get it to see if, which is why sheโ€™s still very liberal.

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It's called "willful ignorance" and it saddens me to the core!

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Sadly there are many bafoons that believe every word.

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Even some buffoons...

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HA-ha!! Thatโ€™s me! ๐Ÿ˜

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๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ

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You made my day.... I'm still laughing!

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IS there a difference?

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Yes, when I compare what friends and family members are still believing, over these past months โ€ฆ.I can watch MSNBC and keep my balance because I know the other side(s) but family members swerve off from two minutes of Fox.

~~~Way-ell, sure Fox, I know,.,,but still

You know the military bases had to clean up KK$$ of damage after the Afghanistan โ€œrefugeesโ€ had stayed there, refused to use toilet paper, hmmm? Talk of culture wars, I actually donโ€™t have the wordsโ€ฆ.

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And so many commenters on here believed Israel DID IT!!!

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Thanks for the update. Why am I not surprised it could be fake? CNN ran that it was real the whole 1.5 hours we were at the bar. SIGH.

Back to the photos real quick - these folks at CNN are disgraceful. Don't show me a photo and call it real when it is obviously fake. THIS is the kind of thing that destroys trust.

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Maybe CNN should be cited with domestic terrorism for further inciting all the radical leftist pro Hamas whack jobs.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 19, 2023

You mean our intelligence agencies that own a television station?

More and more people are realizing that there are no real nation-states anymore--that is just theatre. All of these wars, including 9/11 which was fully engineered, are by the globalist elites/bankster cartel/ruling class mafia using "countries" such as the US and Israel to launder US money out and land grab through these engineered wars.

The purpose of media is to distract and confuse and of course as Jeff says, to ensure that this is yet another "long, emotionally-exhausting war if everyone scrutinizes and argues over every single rocket strike and civilian casualty like this."

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Sitting at a bar could be the only way I could stomach a second of CNN. ๐Ÿคฃ

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Don't forget to bend your elbow!

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agree 100%, I would have to leave.

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I agree...I canโ€™t stand it when Iโ€™m some place where that crap is on a TV (restaurant, bar, hotel/motel โ€˜breakfastโ€™ rooms)!

Saw MSNBC the other morning at a hotel I stayed in on a road trip to NoCA...I just about gagged! And all the โ€˜breakfastersโ€™ attention was riveted to the TV! ๐Ÿคฎ

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That reminds meโ€ฆ.hereโ€™s one for yahโ€ฆ.

I was at a nice hotel in Wisconsin several years ago with family, and we were down in the nice breakfast area, one of those same, with bacon scrambled eggs toast bar set up, and the man of the couple we were with, had a temper tantrum about the TV above the bar area which was on Fox News. He pitched a fit to make them change it to CNN. !!! I said, โ€œWe Oh well when I get to the airport I think I will have a fit in the waiting area because I canโ€™t stand listening to CNNโ€ฆ.โ€ Itโ€™s their business, they choose what they want. unbeleeevable

Iโ€™ve been saying, How do you handle it it in the real world, oh 25 year old? Canโ€™t get together for thanksgiving coz your mother in law believes differently from you!? Snowflake, to the max

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Well since I travel mostly during the week in โ€˜off travelโ€™ days, I mostly encounter older folks like me, or families. They arenโ€™t a very reactionary group. The most recent trip I was on I stayed in an independent non chain motel. They have a lovely breakfast room and donโ€™t have a TV in that room! The only source of news is copies of USA Today, for the guests reading pleasure! I never read any newspapers these days.

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Communist Network News strikes again. Like walking around in a funhouse full of mirrors.

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Trust? In CNN?

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True, I never trusted them. Ever. But their nonsense helps destroy the trust others have given them, and that's a good thing... no one should trust liars.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

Agreed. (That was NOT meant personally, 4 Winds.)

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I know :) I understood :)

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Iโ€™d definitely pick a different bar.

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My dad really likes the place and he's old, soooooo, we go. He was watching golf highlights. It's a sports bar/diner and nearly every TV is sports except that one. For some reason, probably because I felt like calling b.s. on something, I chose to watch that one.

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Yes itโ€™s frustrating to hear the same phrasesโ€ฆdifficult to hear the phony news in public over a couple of hoursโ€ฆ..have you seen War Room or Charlie Kirk, et al, forget which, several minutes of montage with all the media heads using the exact same breathless phrasing for the โ€œlatestโ€. So funnyโ€ฆ..but I really enjoy Bannonโ€™s cold open when he plays some outrageous exchanges from MSNBCโ€ฆ.they go on and on, each host a legend in their own mind But hold out hopeโ€ฆ..We could still encourage some journos to go for a different degree, they still have some time leftโ€ฆ..oh Lordy โ€ฆ

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I gotcha! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Over the years it has become a rule of thumb that in all disasters the first reporting by any and all so called news organization is wrong, hysterical, and biased. It should be ignored. This is a horrible case in point.

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Yup. The 3-day Rule.

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Mediaโ€™s need to be first is greater than itโ€™s need to be correct.

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Are we waiting for a referee to review the play and overturn the call against the team?

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 19, 2023

He slipped--because I believe they do discuss the "sides" as โ€œteamsโ€ behind closed doors. This is all engineered war--through emotional and atrocity propaganda and by the funding of all sides to ensure massive casualties---but not "real" in the sense that it just popped up organically a week ago.

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Resident Briben is still waiting on the referee to overturn the call. I guess he'll be waiting a while.

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Good one!

Later Jay

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Yeah I thought that was pretty tacky For folks who only play games, that team Vs that team, with their two thumbs they are not awake to real lifeโ€ฆ.

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No one checked?

Notice when they thought Hamas had bombed it, there was no outcry against Hamas. Whatever Hamas does is A-OK. The woke warriors were so happy when they thought it was Israel.

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Israeli army spokesman to Al-Jazeera: We bombed the hospital garage, but there were no direct hits on the hospital


๐Ÿ”— ุงู„ุฌุฒูŠุฑุฉ - ุนุงุฌู„ (@AJABreaking)

Re: they were told to evacuate, 1. As UN has said, that is impossible.

Also, local civilians were sheltering there because they have no place to go.

Finally, I've seen a couple reports of the checkpoint/exit in Raffa, Egypt being bombed so nobody can leave & humanitarian aide from Egypt can't get in.

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As I understand, Egypt refuses to accept "Palesinian" refugees and Hamas terrorists lest they signal a belief that Israel should annex Gaza. This tells me the Egyptians are fighting a proxy war with Israel, with their "Palestinian" brothers as cannon fodder.

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No, Egypt last time they opened their border to the Palestinians had to deal with a lot of Jihad mentality and they created too much trouble. They learned their lesson and that is why they refuse to open the border.

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Exactly. They recognize the evil that is Hamas, as does Israel.

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So, there is a lesson to be learned here (there).

Later Jay

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Why can't they go in through Jordan?

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Jordan is adamant, No!

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No to refugees? Or no to sending relief supplies in? Or both?

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Lasy I saw they had agreed to open one checkpoint at Raffa.There is a long line of trucks with humanitarian supplies waiting to enter

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But NOT to allow Palestinians safe passage to Egypt. Only to let supplies IN to Gaza. Supplies that will likely end up in the hands of Hamas and their supporters.

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Yes, Palestinians seeking medical treatment plus foreign nationals trapped in Gaza.

See link above

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

So, Egypt's own Arab people, the "Palestinians," are only allowed "safe passage" to Egypt, or through Egypt, AFTER they have been sacrificed to Hamas' cause. Still sounds as if Egypt is using those Palestinians as cannon fodder in Egypt's blood war against Israel with Hamas as their proxy.

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"Egypt hopes to soon restore regular operations through the Rafah crossing, including *for Palestinians seeking medical treatment in Egypt* and getting foreign nationals on flights home, according to Shoukry on Monday..."

"The Rafah crossing was shut on Oct. 10 after it was hit by Israeli warplanes on the Palestinian side three times on Oct. 9 and 10."


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I've seen reports about the Red Crescent being allowed to enter and render aid, and then subsequently being bombed and some aid workers were killed. Who knows if it's real, or who did it. This entire thing is a tragedy of epic proportions. Warning (even several times) about a possible strike to trapped non-combatants does not mean it was ok to cause these deaths. It was called a 'war crime' when Russia temporarily cut off basic utilities in Ukraine, but in the Middle East, it's supposed to justify that the building should have been empty?

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Well, Israel's political opponents are also accusing them of a "war crime" for shutting off the utilities, so I guess at least they're consistent. As far as aid workers bombed, that sucks, but I'm guessing it was not done on purpose but rather, when you go to provide aid in a war zone, unfortunately, you risk becoming a casualty yourself.

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Must feel bad knowing pro-Russian terrorists are being bombed relentlessly without ceasing, huh?

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I just commented on another post saying I believe nothing I see, hear or read anymore. There are only a few substacks I follow with this being one of the few. Believe nothing unless ๐Ÿ’ฏ verified.

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I was on twitter and it's full of all kinds of images of dead around the hospital, but then again they often share old video and such and claim it to be current. There is so much on both sides it so hard to find the truth anymore.

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So when Israel warned they were going to bomb it, I guess they were just joshing around.


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my god. since bombs are going off all over the country, where the hell would you go? the arrogance is stunning. and the utter lack of empathy for fellow human beings. I guess this is why christianity leaves such a bad taste in so many people

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uh...it's not Christianity...

Anyway...no religion requires its followers to allow themselves to be slaughtered so they can show empathy to fellow human beings.

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Well, technically, Christianity DOES have a history of its followers not resisting when being slaughtered *for their faith*, specifically (but not "so they can show empathy").

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There were leaflets dropped for them to move out of harms way, before all this and the Hamas leaders threatened them and said they better not leave, using them as human shields like they always have. What kind of evil is that?!

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Itโ€™s as if Hamas and Hezbollah are heroes to these people. And so, these commenters are either very ignorant or utter leftists (but I repeat myself).

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Quick FYI: Neither Arabs nor Jews are Christians.

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Messianic Jews are Christians.

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Thanks, WS. (I was responding to nancylee's comment above.)

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Preliminary analysis of the hospital strike by Marine Corps Veteran Explosives & Ordinance Expert, and reviewed by many others.


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Which was done by Hamas...

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500 people could have been camping in the parking lot where failed rocket landed and mass pass, burning tents, effects of crowds surging and trampling each other could have created a mass casualty event.

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Mass panic etc

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It's not fake. Let's call it what it is it's genocide conducted by Israhell to the Muslims and Christians.

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Did you say the same when Hamas went into Israel and beheaded babies, burned people alive etc?

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Like the 'Babies on Bayonets' propaganda lie from WWI? Or the 'Babies in Incubators' propaganda lie from Desert Storm? The media is manipulating all of us, in all directions, and it is nothing new. This is a tragedy for all innocent people who are affected, not just a certain ethnicity. The shed of innocent blood is unacceptable.

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The controllers are getting exactly what they want, as you follow these threads. Their goal is to raise the emotions of humanity to a fearful or angry frenzy, which they feed from. Observation, while remaining compassionate for those lives being affected and sending peaceful and loving prayers for an amicable end to the conflict would be the better approach.

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I was watching footage of the protests in all these other countries. People lighting things on fire, destroying property, fighting in the streets, throwing rocks โ€ฆ itโ€™s like deja vu- George Floyd protests anyone!?

Israel touches a third rail.

Same as race in the USโ€ฆ

Praying for peace. I have no idea where the truth isโ€ฆ because now we know all governments lie today and media is mostly propaganda.

So how can we even determine the truth today? And the bombardment of information right now is meant to confuse, incite and anger people very deliberately.

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Well stated! God bless you.

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Or the Gospelsโ€™ reporting 40 man children slaughtered in Bethlehem at order of His Majesty King Herod?

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Hi Sean, and thanks for your reply. I'm not sure what you mean by your comment. Could you please explain? Are you comparing the inerrant Word of God to today's mainstream media?

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Hello Special Ted:

My point is that the deliberate slaughter of human babies is savagery that evokes the deepest horror, whether the killing of Hebrew infants at Pharaohโ€™s command, the 40 at Herodโ€™s command, the (faked) reports of Belgian or Kuwaiti babies, or the real but ignored cases of children killed by the mNRA poisons.

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The 'inerrant word of god' was written by men.

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I call it like it is. Did you know the Palestinian Authority has a Martyrs Fund aka a Pay-for-slay?

Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a โ€œMartyrโ€ whose family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life.

This means each family of the 1,500 dead Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel will receive 7,400 shekels for this first month. Families of those terrorists who were married and had children will receive even more. The PA will pay at least 11,100,000 shekels ($2,789,430) this month as a reward for participating in last weekโ€™s murders and atrocities against Israeli civilians.

In addition, the 50 captured Hamas terrorist murderers will receive monthly salaries in prison starting at 1,400 shekels/month which will eventually rise to 12,000 shekels/month. Terrorists who are married and have children will receive even higher salaries. This month these newly arrested terrorists will receive at least 70,000 shekels ($17,590).

In total, the PA will pay at least 11,170,000 shekels ($2,807,021) in payments under the PAโ€™s โ€œPay-for-Slayโ€ program to the Hamas terrorists this month. This is a low estimate since as the war continues there will be additional Hamas terrorist "Martyrs" and prisoners. This figure is added to the more than 100,000,000 shekels/month the PA already pays in salaries to imprisoned terrorists and families of terrorist โ€œMartyrs.โ€ EU countries and Norway, are currently the largest funders of the PA because the PA could not possibly make these terror payments without them. These donor countries like to pretend that itโ€™s not their money rewarding terrorists, but everyone knows that the PA could not reward terrorists without this generous foreign funding. When payments to teachers, police, and street cleaners are taken care of by international donors, the PA has the hundreds of millions available it needs to pay for terror.

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I hate it that the block feature doesnโ€™t seem to work on substack. Iโ€™m probably going to have to read your venal dribblings again. โ˜ ๏ธ

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You know thatโ€™s a lie

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Good luck. Imho, the transcript of the two terrorist discussing the attack wasn't very revealing imho. There was no "there there". I didn't read any admission of guilt or detailed knowledge of the rocket attack in the transcript. "They're saying we did it." That's not an admission of guilt imho. Maybe I missed something.

The most convincing video to me that it was not an errant Hamas or IJ rocket was this one that I saw last night. https://x.com/Partisangirl/status/1714504907473223959?s=20

It' shows rockets being fired in the opposite direction from where the 2 ground explosions happened. I've seen a 'debunking' that the time is wrong, but the explosion in the IDF official video and the video linked by Syrian Girl are exactly 1 hour apart. What are the chances the same sequence of rocket fire and 2 ground explosions happen exactly 1 hour apart?

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Fake news aka atrocity propaganda

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Didn't the same scenario happen in Ukraine earlier in that war???

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Intel Slava Z

๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑโšกHamas said that the movement will publish evidence of Israeli involvement in the attack on a hospital in Gaza and present it to international bodes.

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They are already showing grainy pictures of dead, but can't tell if it is the hospital or not. Pictures can be manipulate.

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I've seen plenty of non-grainy video & images.

Also, apparently surviving doctors held a press conference this morning.

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โ€˜Surviving doctorsโ€™ whose families are probably being held hostage by Hamas.

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Yeah, because Doctors Without Borders are such liars.

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They also posted a few years ago of people killed by IDF in body bags. Problem was one had to sneeze and another had to scratch an itch. But idiots in the US and elsewhere still believed them.

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Twitter has taken down the videos I saw in the morning. To "lifelike." Or rather, deathlike.

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Must feel bad your narrative is collapsing, huh?

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Regarding that hospital bombing, here is something to consider:

"Early in a conflict an atrocity committed by The Enemy is selected and given considerable publicityโ€ฆIt is elevated to be the moral yardstick against which your sideโ€™s atrocities are judged, and, by comparison, your sideโ€™s atrocities always pale โ€ฆ

Thereafter The Enemyโ€™s atrocity is the central referent of your sideโ€™s propagandaโ€ฆTheir atrocity justifies any your side subsequently commits." โ€”les Online

Emotional manipulation using fabricated defenseless children is not new. To get WW1 rolling German soldiers were bayoneting non-existent Belgian infants. In order to ignite the gulf war imaginary newborns were being yanked out of incubators in Kuwait.

These horrific tall tales - written by the very puppetmasters who created and are benefiting from the carnage and which are propagated through the dishonest media they own and control - are designed to provoke an emotional response in the recipient so that they act (and advocate) in a way that is favorable to the powers that shouldn't be.

The stories are counterfeit which is the point: emotions are so much easier to control than facts. Cue the slaughter, plundering, pillaging, & propaganda by the collective elite dark triad. Lights Camera. Action.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Do not believe the photos! So my dad and I were in a bar yesterday and they had CNN on, silently, thank God. For once I watched it and noticed a few things. First, a headline: Hundreds Suspected dead in Hospital Attack (or blast, I can't remember.) Key word is "Suspected". I can suspect anything, like suspect pharma CEOs will confess to murder or Biden isn't running the US into the ground, but it does not make either true. "Suspect" means nothing.

Second, there was a photo they kept putting up of a supposed hospital hall with a huge raging fire out the end, as if the end of the building had been blown off. There was a "body" in the hall blurred out, yet covered by a sheet, so you really could not tell what it was. There was a chair with a shadow against the wall. Absolutely FAKE, which I said loudly. The light from that fire could not have generated that shadow because it was not a single light source, further, based on the angle there's no way that shadow came from the light of that fire. Second, cameras can't come close to capturing scenes with extreme differences in light, unlike our eyes can. Have you ever tried to take a photo of someone inside and capture a scene outside, like there is a nice sunny scene of fall covered trees? What happens is either the person inside can be see and the outside is blinding white or the outside is beautiful and the person is a black silhouette. The only way around this is a flash fill. If there was a fire outside that was that bright, no way are you capturing detail inside a hallway without a flash, which would have eliminated the shadow from the chair and made a different one. Former professional photographer here. I tried to find the photo online but could only find one similar, which was very blurry, but suffered from the same lighting problem. Both photos were red, orange and yellow, designed to evoke terror. And where's the smoke from the fire in those hallways? Anyone?

They also showed two other suspect photos... one of a fire outside the hospital with an ambulance parked outside. The ambulance and other objects had distinct shadows like a car would make in daytime sun, but this was supposedly a night time shot. People sure did look calm for a fire being that close to them and again, I have a problem with the lighting - no way is the fire that bright yet I'm seeing everything in the dark. Not buying it. Another stupid one was a distance shot of the smoke in the air, supposedly from that fire. Broad daylight, not night. But the camera moved around and shook, making it look like the smoke moved. But the smoke NEVER moved. Not at all! In other words, they probably filmed a still photo instead of an actual scene. Liars!

I should watch CNN more often. I'd tear every one of these photos apart. Do not believe a single thing you are seeing!

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Here's the photo with the ambulance. It's not graphic at all. Notice the shadows under the ambulance. Notice some people cast shadows but others do not, plus the shadows are well defined but the people are blurred. Doesn't work like that. The angle of the shadows of the poles was weird. Those had to be made by artificial light. Who stops to put up an artificial light source in the middle of a bombing? At the same time, the abmulance shadow is too bright and too clear not to be a daytime shadow and there's no way the same light source made those shadows plus the ones on the poles. Also, you don't get those kind of shadows at night. https://en.ultimasnoticias.com.ve/news/world/At-least-750-dead-in-Israeli-attack-on-Gaza-hospital/

Also, about these CNN photos in general, and like Jeff said yesterday or day before - this is 2023 and we should have clear, ungrainy photos, not something that looks like it was snapped on a disk camera in 1980.

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Thank you, great explanation and photo. Reminds me of the fake photos from Ukraine. Cars tossed by bombs against buildings but no damage to the buildings.

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And with a fire that bright, wouldn't you expect there to be shadows cast in the opposite direction of the ones we're seeing?

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Without your breakdown of the photo, I would have thought that the shadows were cast by a large parking lot light. And the people were blurry because they were running. Do you think thatโ€™s not possible? (Definitely not defending the lying liars at CNN, just curious as to how to better understand this.)

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Possibly they could be blurry because running, but have a look at the person by the tire. They are blurred, but the shadow is really well defined. If the person was moving so fast they blurred, then their shadow should be fuzzy on the edges, too. It could be a parking lot light, but those are generally orange/yellow in photos because they are sodium vapor lights, not white light. But all this being said, the fire should still be so much brighter than the rest of the scene.

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Oh wow, I would have never thought twice about any of these things! Thank for taking the time to explain it all and providing great tools to help us to understand the propaganda a bit better.

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My guess is a LED floodlight, it's the right color for that. I do take the point about the fire not being bright enough, and the people being more blurred than their shadows. For me it's not 100% yet, it's sus, but there might be an explanation I haven't seen yet that is sufficiently satisfying. (The shadow edges are still a little blurred too, after all, and the contrast there is higher so perhaps that helps make them more distinct than the lower-contrast humans, bearing in mind this appears to be taken in low-light, so longer exposure, and you can see the graininess as well - digital sensors don't do so well in low light situations.)

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I will say, based on the changing angles of the shadows on the posts, this looks like there is some kind of floodlight up high on the building the photo is being taken from. It's a point source, close enough that the shadows have slightly different angles on each post (which sunlight wouldn't do). It also explains why the ambulance shadow is so clear, it's right below the light. Now, how there is a bright light in an area with the power out is another question, maybe they have a generator, maybe it's a completely different fire somewhere else. That's the thing, you can never be quite sure based just on a photo.

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What? A person who can think? Arrest him! (with much thanks for this post)

Mean while our country's borders are being invaded. Proxy armies are being organized within our borders and Ukraine war weapons trafficking goes to our enemies ... like the cartels who control the border. And the biggest criminal bioweapon attack in history (the 'vaccines') still goes unpunished.

Where is our sense of proportion and urgency?

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The urgency is in storage rooms across the us. When yโ€™all were complaining about no ammunition available? That was us.

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I think the CIA and the military have hired AVON and Amway to go door to door to help them locate whatever happened to the F35 they โ€œlostโ€ earlier last month. Reward is a free yearโ€™s supply of laundry detergent.

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Wrong! I got it in my closet. I'm using it for quick weekend get-aways!

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First youโ€™ll need to replace the self-eject seat. Call Lockheed or keep checking eBay.

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Good skills to have for debunking fake claims!

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Tritorch, are you saying Israel is the one to blame?

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CStone, I respect you. Here's the problem: A nation's people and a nation's government are completely separate things, and you are conflating the Israeli people with the Israeli government who is controlled by this man: https://tritorch.com/degradation/RothschildAbramovicSatanSummoningHisLegions.png

You are also conflating Palestinian people with Hamas who are control by this man: https://tritorch.com/degradation/RothschildAbramovicSatanSummoningHisLegions.png

That man also controls nearly every bit of information you receive about both this war and the history of this conflict which stretches back centuries.

That man is standing with Marina Abramoviฤ‡ in front of a painting titled 'Satan Summoning His Legions'.

The father of lies is firmly in control of this world. Act accordingly.

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Why are we so obsessed with this when our own country is under complete attack and attack aimed at us?

Once again we are playing 'their' little game of having to choose between two choices shoved into are faces ... while the third choice of saving our own country and families is completely is tossed out of sight into the trash barrel.

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In order to keep us dancing while the world burns.

The bad cat explained it well yesterday:

"woke and global boiling and covid and the ukraine and every form of hyper-aggressive inclusivity insanity are not ideologies of belief for elites, they are circuses to dismay, daze, and distract you because pretty much no one can pay attention to whatโ€™s really going on when they are watching their daughter get slide tackled by a 200 pound guy in a sports bra on a high school soccer field or they find out their 3rd grader is being read sexually explicit books by drag queens who give twerking lessons." โ€”https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/wag-the-deficit

It's difficult to form a coalition and mount an action to save the world when the ultra-distracting bread and circuses reach a fever pitch. Cue the fever pitch drama and resulting unmitigated the new world disorder.

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Yes, we are being shredded but keep pay your taxes and move along there is nothing to see here.

panem et circenses

Later Jay

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Don't disagree!

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Because the same entity is in control over there as it is over here, and under the blessing of not having been attacked on our own ground in our own backyards for a long time itโ€™s hard to believe that that would happen. I think the point is is the same entity thatโ€™s controlling everything in our backyards and over there and everywhere as soon as we see that, the sooner we know that in our souls, the clearer it will all be.

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I've been looking at this a long, long time. My conclusion is the same as yours. And certainly the Collective West from Down Under up to near the North Pole. How much of the rest of the world? Can say? But by media control, a lot of the rest of the world. But the now from Walk-Away and BRICS Plus ... not a firm control anymore over the rest of the world. And apt to be less so in the time progressing future.

I fear, I know from the food plant attacks, from the trees which burn inside out, from the 'vaccine' terror agenda, proxy armies of military age men crossing the borders, and more ... that we are no long safe in our homes.

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thanks for trying to explain this to people so firmly propagandized into US vs THEM

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Yep. It would be like saying Joe Biden and our Congress really represent (in heart and intent) what the U.S. citizens feel. It's no different with Israel or Palestine.

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Again I say itโ€™s ALL about whoโ€™s pulling the strings.

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And you are calling a Khazarian to being an actual Hebrew. (Jews are the tribe of Judah)

Rothschild is no Hebrew, and certainly NOT a Jew. These Khazarians called themselves โ€˜Jewsโ€™ to enrich themselves and have fooled the entire world into believing them. These Khazarians own the banks and the politicians......and many of them (along with many Muslims) are in the Israeli government).

But Israel is still Godโ€™s chosen people.

This mess was prophesied to happen in a jubilee year. 50 years. 50 years ago Israel was attacked by these same demonic people (not all Palestinians are demonic.....but Hamas and Hezbollah are).

And the same will happen here....soon. Unless we quit cursing Israel.

And we will be attacked by the exact same demonic forces.

Read Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 28.

Judgement is riding our way.

I just pray that in His Righteous judgement that he remembers mercy.

Oh. And this, if you will watch it.


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They needed an emotional war to bury all the items coming to light (Biden being exposed, Trump winning the media war, Maui, wokeism dying, etc.) and poof, instant distraction, kept alive by a lying media. Like Ukraine, not buying any of it. The deep state ruse is in full force.

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Yes, TS but also so much about the money and the derivatives market that is perched to explode. Another big conflict kicks the can down the road. It is estimated that about 10K people will freeze to death in England this coming winter -that's the Mother country. How can that be? Just an example.

" โ€œThe old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.โ€

โ€• Antonio Gramsci "

Later Jay

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It IS an information war and YOU are the victim. Question EVERYTHING.

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Exactly right. The media lies about almost everything, but they are telling you the truth about this, honest.

What is that saying, there are three sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the truth?

You won't find that last bit on your TV screen.

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Trust no one. Believe nothing. Question everything.

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Phil ... this is the American people's insanity once on display. And getting sucked in again and again.

Always choose one of two sides white hat or black hat but ignore a nation here at home under multiply attacks which threaten to extinguish our lives, our families and our greater dwelling place ... our once upon a time country.

"My people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge." Having lost their minds, the people are going to deserve the coming horrors of the coming financial collapse.

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All I can say is that I trust Israel over Hamas.


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The regime that vaxxed their people worse than any other country.

That sucks over 4 billion cash from USA taxpayers EVERY YEAR.

All to keep a war industry going.

Instead of peace.

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And how much has Ukraine sucked? China was GIVEN our manufacturing jobs. How much has IRAN sucked? How much has the WORLD sucked? And our TINIEST ally in the ME, the only democratic nation in the ME we canโ€™t be bothered with?

The ignorance about the ME and about Israel is disgusting. And WE are the nation who has aborted more children than any other. And have forced it on other nations as a โ€˜conditionโ€™ of getting financial โ€˜aidโ€™ packages from us. WE pushed the jab on poor nations.. OUR government is to blame. Until WE clean up our act we have NO right to start on any other nation.........especially Israel

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I fail to see how the problems we have at home in the US are in any way a justification for "trusting" the state of Israel. As for "tiny", Israel is probably the most powerful lobby in Washington DC. She has more influence in the politics of our country than your own representatives. How is that in our best interests?

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Wrong. Big Pharma has the biggest lobby.

Want to blame that on Israel too?


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Ding ding ding! Phil wins today's prize. Always wondered that too.

Later Jay

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Well said! Iโ€™ve been noticing for the past few years, an intense propaganda attack on Israel. Iโ€™m surprised at the people I know who bought into it.

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The Israeli government pushed the jab the hardest out of any "western" government with the possible exception of Australia.

Pfizer execs were so bold as to refer to Israel as a "test laboratory" for their murderous gene therapies. Never forget.

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Proof that Israel's own government does not care about their own people! They would sacrifice them in a nano second if it brought those in command more $$$ and power.

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I still wonder whether somebody was strong-armed. Or quite a few people blackmailed.

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Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are just offices for the Zionist/Money Power ... as are a lot of other places ... like New York, City of London, Geneva, Berne, Rome, et alia.

Well said CS Stone. And I admit that the absolute insanity over the god-state in the Middle East has me as offended as I was by the Ukraine, C19 Health Terrorism, and everything else going on with the Empire of Perpetual Warfare since at least the 1990's. Meanwhile, our country goes down the drain.

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The "only democratic nation in the ME" that runs the largest open air prison in the world, and while having Arabs constituting 20% of the population only has 8% Arab representation in the Knesset, and there is so much more. Continuous land seizures for settlers, crops systematically destroyed, bombings of and school closings, not to mention bombing hospitals, and use of prohibited munitions like phosphorus. Really the list of crimes against a captive population over the last 70 years is literally too long to list. I'd argue that slogan is nothing more than a Zionist meme.

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They are prisoners of Hamas and hezbollah. They are not prisoners of Israel. You canNOT coexist with those who want to destroy you. The feminization of men in this country is appalling. Try to coexist with these same demons who have crossed the US border and are kept up by our taxpayers in hotels, receiving packages of armaments daily. Coexist with that when they come for you and your family.

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Kool Tim! Not one F-bomb. You get your gold star today!

And yep!

Later Jay

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Thanks Tim!

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GIVEN our manufacturing jobs AND our technology. By whom, you may ask?

Why, by the DemonicRAT Party!! Bill Clinton and his and Hillaryโ€™s shell game. Just like Obama and the Muslim nations. Just like Obiden and Ukraine!!!

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

Your reasoning is flawed. The snake may be scarier than the spider but the spider may be more deadly. Your reasons do not justify your conclusions...or should I say your desired conclusions.

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Feminized men. SMH

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Funny how the repeal of smith mundt allowed the feds to create the news, and own the means of spewing. And now, any country seeking to be just a little free, is baaaad. Vote out a socialist, and one will be appointed for you,everywhere in the world. Iโ€™m pretty sure if we have our revolution 2.0, it will wake up the whole world.

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Should I bring a shovel or a backhoe?

Later Jay

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Truth. Wasn't Israel the first regime to bring vaccine passports?

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And Russia vaccinated theirs a lot but not a peep about it from you.

Who started this conflict, again?

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The nation that deliberately tried to destroy the USS Liberty in 1967? They were in cahoots with our President (LBJ) to sacrifice our ship and crew, blame Egypt for the attack and allow us to enter a war with Israel against Egypt. 34 men killed, over 150 wounded and the survivors told to shut up and never mention it again or they'd be jailed. Only because one brave sailor was able to run a coax wire and reach out with an SOS in between the strafing and torpedo attacks is what saved the remaining crew. And they all suffer mentally and emotionally since then, as well as having their own country disavow them. Yeah, I don't trust Israel's government OR ours any further than I can thrown them!

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CStone, I wouldn't trust either one of the them. And I don't see any need to declare one is better or worse than the other, or more trustworthy than the other. If you honestly feel that way, that's fine, but I don't think we should put ourselves in a corner thinking it's necessary to decide either is the better of the two. It could be true that both are run by sociopaths who have no problem killing anyone to advance their position. Or lying without remorse about what they've done.

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Well, it is obviously true of our own government.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

Really? Why would you trust either one?

Let me add, the only reason some people "trust" Israel is because the 21st century political state we are talking about took the name of the Old Testament culture of the 12 Tribes whose community and state were destroyed by the Romans TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO. Hello?

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But the Romans didnโ€™t destroy them. They were scattered, but never ceased to exist. In fact one of the best pieces of evidence for God is the continued existence of His chosen people throughout the centuries. Every other culture, when emigrating to another country, assimilates within 6 generations (usually fewer than 6) and ceases to exist as a separate ethnic group. The Jews, though, while somewhat assimilating to their new country, never stop being Jewish. Yes, some do, but there is always a remnant. You canโ€™t say that about, for example, Norwegian or Chinese people who move to the US.

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Almighty God destroyed Israel Himself. After Christ Jesus fulfilled the Law and completed the Old Covenant, the New Covenant is no respecter of ethnicity. Israel was 'chosen' to be a nation of priests to all mankind, but they were deceived and rejected the very Christ they were waiting for. In short, they rejected their birthright and it was opened up to all mankind through one man...Jesus.

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Hi Eliza, thanks for your comment. It's interesting context, in that Romans 11:5 refers to a 'remnant' and in Romans 11:14 Paul expresses a desire to 'save' those of his ethnicity. Romans 11:20 states that the Jews who did NOT believe in Jesus were 'broken off' branches, but gentiles can be saved through faith in Christ Jesus.

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Exactly where.... does "Paul tells Christians that the JEWS will always be God's people"?

And exactly where ...does he say they will be saved at "Christ's return"?

First, Paul through the Holy Spirit never uses the term "Jew". He always uses the term Israel. The distinction is important. When Paul talks about Israel, he is referring to the risen Messiah's Israel of the New Covenant established in His shed blood. All Israel WILL be saved, both Gentile believers and Jewish believers in the risen Christ. This is the Israel of the New Covenant. Those who did not and will not accept Christ are not a part of the Israel. And many Jews did not accept Him.

Second, Romans 11:26-27 says quoting Isaiah 59:20-21, "And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; for this is My (Christ's) covenant with them, when I take away their sins." Jacob is the 12 tribes. At the time of the Advent, the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel had been taken into captivity centuries before. When the Southern Kingdom of Judah invited them to return to the land, they had declined and picked up and headed west through the Caucasus Mountains and disappeared off the pages of recorded history. At the time of Jesus, the people were primarily of Judah (Jews) and a few of Levi. When the Temple was destroyed, along with the genealogies, and Jerusalem was left desolate, the people were dispersed (those who survived) and having been cut off from the Covenant due to their rejection of the Messiah are now counted among the Gentiles just as the lost 10 tribes are. The Israel of God's covenant are everyone who accepted the Messiah, who came out of Zion, and "took away their sins" when He finished His work on the cross and ascended to the throne at the right hand of God. Isaiah was talking about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ only. Not some hypothetical future "return" of Christ.

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Some scholars have said that Paul was refering to the time period he was in and so that has already occurred. Jesus the Christ appeared to Paul in the etheric and has remained with us in the etheric, saying that he would never leave his people. He will not be coming back in the flesh.

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The Israel of the New Covenant are ALL those who accepted the Messiah during and after his ministry, Jew and Gentile alike. Those of Israel who rejected Him were "branches of the olive tree" that were broken off and "cast away" in judgement. Thus 70 AD and the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem. In Romans 11, Paul, talking to the Gentile Christians, warns them not to look down upon Jews because not all have rejected Christ as he himself is an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin. He explains that God reserved to Himself "a remnant according to the election of grace"... "whom He foreknew."

Paul goes on to further explain how he desires to "provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save SOME of them" by his ministry to the Gentiles. So he admonishes the Gentile Christians not to be haughty, but fear. For if the natural branches could be broken off because of unbelief, they also could be cut off if they do not "stand by faith." Those who did not accept the Messiah were cut off from God's Covenant and the Israel of God are now all who believe in the risen Savior.

In Luke 21, Jesus warns His disciples that the Temple will be destroyed and then warns them what to watch for so they may escape the desolation of Jerusalem (v 20). In verse 22, Jesus says, "For these are the days of vengeance that all things which are written (in the OT) may be fulfilled."

There is only one Covenant and there is only one Israel: the New Covenant Israel of Jesus Christ. The people who call themselves "Jews" gave up their connection with the covenant of God with the advent of Christ, their rejection of Him and the pouring out of God's wrath on apostate Israel in 70 AD. In effect, they are now accounted among the unbelieving Gentiles. "The days of vengeance" were poured out only once so that all things that were written in the Old Testament may be fulfilled. God fulfilled all things written in the OT when His Son died on the cross and rose to ascend to the throne.

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It still remains, though, that faithful Jews exist, all over the world and in Israel. And it has always looked to me like those faithful Jews are still blessed. They are often wealthy and successful. Itโ€™s one of the reasons they are hated. When God chose them, He blessed them but it also put a target on their backs. When they follow God, He blesses them. There is trouble, but they are able to persevere.

If that blessing is over and God has cast them away, how do you explain their continued existence even in foreign countries, generation after generation? And their continued blessing? How do you explain the gathering back to the land of Israel, in fulfillment of prophecy?

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

Ethnically jewish people can survive in the same way anglo-saxon people survive; it doesn't require divine intervention. Further, rabbinic judaism as I understand it, has traditionally encouraged intelligence and diligence, both of which are going to help a group to survive better.

The more significant point is, "faithful" Jews are only faithful if they acknowledge the Messiah. Moses prophesied that a prophet greater than himself was coming, and "you must listen to him"; we know who that One "greater than Moses" is, so if a Jewish person refuses to accept Him, in doing so they disobey Moses and are no longer faithful to their covenant.

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There are also plenty of evil men who are "wealthy and successful". That means nothing.

The 21st century political state called Israel has nothing to do with "the fulfillment of prophecy." I've explained the status of so-called Jews in my other reply to you. (And point in fact, most Jews today are not religious but completely secular.)

What you are doing is what the modern day church has been doing for a long time. They are imposing current events onto Scripture as a means to interpreting Scripture. This is completely erroneous. Scripture must be interpreted with Scripture which requires more study than the modern day church wants to invest.

Daniel 9:26-27 prophesies the coming of the armies to destroy Jerusalem and the Temple. The parallel passage to Matt 24 and Daniel 9 is Luke 21:20-22 which makes clear the meaning of Matt and Daniel. This is the "abomination of desolation" and, as Luke explains, was to be the armed invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple as God brings the Old Covenant to a close. In 68 AD, the Edomites, the age long enemies of Israel, surrounded and invaded the city and slaughtered 8,500 people in the Temple. In the words of Josephus, this was "the beginning of the destruction of the city. From this very day may be dated the overthrow of her wall and the ruin of her affairs." These are "the days of vengeance that all things which are written (in the OT) may be fulfilled" Luke 21:22.

The modern church does not understand these prophecies because they do not understand the economy of God's covenants and their meaning. This was the closing out of the Old Covenant with God's wrath poured out on apostate Israel and the establishment of the New Covenant in Christ's shed blood. Jesus said in Matt 24:21, "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, NOR EVER SHALL BE." The great tribulation refers to the destruction of Temple in that generation alone (70 AD), an absolutely unique event in history never to be repeated.

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Jewish lineage is protected & maintained via women. Jewish women can marry/have children with any race and the offspring remain Jewish. Explains the color/skin tone differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

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That is not Biblical. It is how the nation of Israel sees it, but the Biblical is clearly through the male. The โ€˜seedโ€™ is planted in the woman, and yes, she brings forth the fruit. But the seed is from the male. I base that, not on my opinion, but on the Word.

But seed cannot bring fruit on its own. It takes both the male and female.

Hence.....TWO genders. One plants the seed , the other nourishes it.


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I trust neither.

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This is choice because Hamas is used as a proxy for hire by just about everyone (Iran, Israel, the United States).

What about the attacks ongoing in the United States? Why champion yet another diversion from our own existential threats to regular everyday Americans?

Trust no one but God.

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Because the Word say โ€œHe who blesses Israel I will bless. He who curses Israel I will curse.โ€

I am aware that the Israeli government is not pure. But our own government is obviously very corrupt.

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Genesis 12 did NOT say Israel. The Lord was talking to Abram who believed God. And again, with the Advent of the Messiah, Israel was expanded to include all believers, the believing descendants of Abram and believing Gentiles. Unbelieving descendants of Abram had no part in the blessings of the covenant and were formally cut off when the Old Covenant was closed out.

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Of course you do because he worked for them

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He who worked for them? Who is he and who is them?

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Nope. You're done/

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And it was a Christian affiliated hospital so neither side was as upset as they might have been. The poor kids is all I could think about.

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Who were hit by a hamas rocket.

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Recall they did the "tragic hospital bombing " skit in Ukraine. The maternity hospital, with one woman and a building in shambles in the background. Turns out it was an abandoned building, and the woman was a cut and paste from some other event.

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There have been numerous hospitals that have been hit in Ukraine and well documented.

Someone putting up fakes to intentionally discredit the real ones should be filtered out.

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Hmm, what I recall reading at the time suggested that the woman HAD actually been physically there (afterwards, for the photos) but that the building itself was abandoned apart from maybe some soldiers using it as a fortification, when it was bombed.

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I agree.

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Itโ€™s ALL about whoโ€™s holding the strings.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023


I wish people would stop talking about this war (and Ukraine and the next one) as if they are organically happening and the discussion is limited to which one of the two sides is more at fault. Of course, the media not only frames it that way, but deliberately scripts the narrative to anger and make people go nuts.

It's all engineered--all of it. Some long term which is especially true in the middle east where during non-war years the public is propagandized to build unmitigated hatred and fear of the "other side."

In reality it has nothing to do with politics or human rights or anything else that matters to the public. Most of it is easy to breakdown--land grabs (Maui, Ukraine and Gaza), money laundering to expand wealth of the ruling class mafia, depopulation/disease and poverty.

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I wonder what is your response to individual pictures of hostages being held? Israeli & Americans? And their families being interviewed? All made up to acquire emotions? Antisemitism doesnโ€™t exist?

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Just because most of what you see and hear from the media is a lie sculpted to fit a narrative meant to induce an emotional response in order to control you to achieve an objective does not mean that people are not suffering and dying. Quite the contrary. Dark triad inflicted madmen feed off both the killing of innocence and the deceiving you about it.

In that same vein of deception, please give this video a watch. It is just one very tiny example of what deep fake technology is capable of: https://tritorch.com/degradation/ReportersMaybeCardboardCutOutDeepFakes.mp4 [12 seconds]

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I do understand what fake technology is capable of. I wonder, do you believe the Holocaust existed?

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You mean the Holohoax? Where they used rooms with wooden doors and exposed lighting to 'gas' people to death? Or the ground-penetrating radar that found zero evidence at one site, so the other sites were covered in concrete to 'preserve' the mass graves? Or was it the human soap, lampshades made of skin, or fatal masturbation machines? Thousands of Jews did die, but not millions. Why have some of the 'survivors' recanted their stories and admitted they were lying? You've likely never even heard of some of these things, because you and I (and all others) were manipulated by liars.

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Being critical of the state of Israel is not antisemitism. The Israeli and US governments, with the CIA and Mossad, comprise the largest terrorist organization on the planet. The Holocaust certainly occurred, but I think an analysis of the facts shows that the number of deaths could not have been quite as high as reported.

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Hi Bryan, I agree with you about some Jews dying, but it's really weird how the Jewish population in Europe actually grew during WWII when there were supposedly 6 million murdered. Not to mention the fact that it would have taken longer than the war to cremate 6 million bodies. Indeed, the math doesn't add up.

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Thank you for answering my questions. I know where you stand

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You're welcome! I'm curious...have you ever heard of any of those things I wrote? Did you ever read about the USS Liberty in 1967?

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Exactly. Even on this substack. So obvious. And they always blame Israel. They claim itโ€™s because they want โ€˜peaceโ€™. As if Israel doesnโ€™t want to live in peace.

Makes my blood boil

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The author of this substack is a pro Russian fool. He's not parroting the Russian propaganda on this amazingly.

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And how many of those killed were Hamas militants?

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Hopefully a lot.

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Innocents don't matter, since Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is something we support when it aligns with our Western ideology.

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BFL, โ€˜ethnic cleansingโ€™ is a lie, and you swallowed it.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

well CStone - do you wish to be held accountable - and punished - for all the atrocities of your government?

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Nancy Lee. I hope not. But โ€œ.....it rains on the just and the unjust alike.โ€

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Dunno, why dont you tell us?

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Shame it wasnโ€™t more.

They do this all the time. Use women , children. Use private homes, holding families hostage while they dig tunnels into Israel. Occupy schools, hospitals.

Cowards, every one of them.


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HAMAS rockets are not powerful enough to destroy a building the size of a hospital. Israelis love to use bombs as we know from 9/11

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And now you know.

Israel didnโ€™t bomb the hospital.

The MSM lied and you believed them.


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Harold is a pro-Russian fool.

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Just 15 years ago, I would have dismissed what youโ€™ve posted as conspiracy theory and nuts. But as time goes by, Iโ€™ve learned that most of what we are fed is illusion, or distorted truth at best.

Now, I donโ€™t take anything Iโ€™m told at face value. From anyone. And frankly, I think thatโ€™s healthy.

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What BS. Laughable that a Zionist like yourself is trying to hide in plain sight the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians over 70 years, including responsibility for tens of thousands of deaths, all because Hamas's actions over the past couple of weeks.

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Two weeks?? The actions of two weeks?

Hamas is in the Bible. These demons have existed for millennia!!! Hamas, I. Hebrew means โ€˜terror;violence;evil.

Even in Arabic it means โ€˜zealot, .

As a verb, hamas also means โ€œto take by violence,โ€ โ€œto robโ€ and โ€œto destroy.โ€.

So no. It isnโ€™t two weeks it is millennia

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Your response is the essence of this quote:

"We Donโ€™t See Things As They Are, We See Them As We Are" --Unknown

You couldn't be further from the target if you aimed your arrow at the moon.

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Is AI going to win this war?

Has the official AI flag been designed yet? Maybe AI can design its very own AI flag, maybe Betsy Ross-style?

I'll take two thank you and a vehicle magnet.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This is really interesting with the inflammation...I have been saying for years now I think the pain I've been having when I run (concentrated mostly in my left hip but runs throughout the leg) was due to the shots. I have been a lifelong runner and never had pain. Suddenly shortly after the shots in 2021 I had all this pain. I have since had a cortisone shot in the spot that was most inflamed, and that helped a lot. But it still recurs and I have to take it easy now. Oh how many of us regret not waking up to this awful psyop in time. I really think with these vaccines, we all have some sort of injury or illness - it only varies in severity and timeline. That was the plan, after all. None of us will escape unscathed. And to those who keep braying "I've had the shots and I'm fine!" Oh you wait. You'll be assigned something fun and painful soon enough.

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I opted out of the shot-but due to already having autoimmune and lyme I also have long covid from 3 severe infections I got over last 3? Years-my functional doc has me on nattokinase in a.m. on empty stomache-curcumin and Ivermectin-just started the ivermectin 2 weeks ago and I can tell you my symptoms(hyperthyroid graves disease) are improving...finding a functional medicine doc is a good place to start for spike protein injury...

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I keep hearing great things about Ivermectin!! I knew from the get-go we were being majorly gaslighted when they started making fun of it and calling it horsepaste when it's been a prize winning drug that's been around for decades that millions of Americans take every single day and have great outcomes with. The attacks on it just didn't make any sense. I will never understand why that alone didn't wake some people up to the con.

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Just an FYI... we have been taking ivermectin for approximately 2+ years as a preventative and have stayed healthy. My husband and I had the virus almost 3 years ago and it was a mild case. Our local medical clinic prescribed ivermectin as a part of the virus protocol. We were actually taking it before we got the virus but not consistently. It is safe and it works. Those who forbid it to be used should face severe consequences! They lied!

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Hope you are reading 2nd Smartest Guy in the World who publish regularly on effects of iver, fenben, doxycycline (and make it available to readers)--But you already knew this

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Note:you take ivermectin with food

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I had 2 prescriptions for ivermectin during covid. Both bottles said to take it on an empty stomach. I was so upset when I realized the absorption would have been much higher taken with some fish or coconut oil. I was taking it once a week because of shedding symptoms .

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The FDA's primary indication for ivermectin is to treat intestinal parasites. For that, you want the drug to get into your gut as fast as possible and stay there for a while, hence the instruction to take on an empty stomach. On the other hand if you are taking it as an anti-viral, you want to get it into your bloodstream that's why you should take it with a meal. That's the FLCCC prevention protocol, which we've been on since Feb 2021 and have been entirely healthy. They do recommend that if you are also taking quercetin, (which is part of the protocol), you should not take that at the same time as the ivermectin because they work against each other if taken together.

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Didnโ€™t know about taking querciten separately, thanks. Glad you are having success with health

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I didnโ€™t know to take them separately either. Thanks.

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Thanks Rosalind, how do you take the coconut oil, mix with food or take it straight and how much do you use?

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I donโ€™t mind straight oil or in a smoothie.

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*Cold pressed coconut oil

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I drink it in my coffee every morning.

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IVM or coconut oil? Either way sounds kinda nasty. ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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Careful taking too much coconut oil at one time until you build up a tolerance, it can give you the runs.

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No problem! I still have leftover depends from my last salmonella poisoning! Lol ๐Ÿ˜†

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I hope the best for you.

Later Jay

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yep, I got hit with the major hip pain too. Doc diagnosed me with arthritis after an X-ray, which is baffling because I never had any symptoms of arthritis before the shots. Went away within a few months after doing the anti-spike protocols using supplements such as nattokinase, curcumin, and bromelian. Correlation isnโ€™t causation, but thatโ€™s an amazing coincidence, donโ€™t you think? Doc canโ€™t comprehend why I wonโ€™t take the latest booster or flu shot. Lol.

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A former colleague and friend, also a physician, was all for the injections (and masks, for the love of God) and even 'let his children decide' whether to get them (they did, to protect all the grandmas), and he blames his need for his recent hip replacement surgery on his last tour of duty in the Army, when he was forced to run routinely with the young troops. Maybe; maybe not. He also developed asthma in that time period, but I'm not certain of the timing between the injection rollout and the onset of his asthma. He said people kept thinking he had COVID because he had respiratory symptoms.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jen, I was a runner and very active/in shape before first Moderna garbage shot. anyway I am JUST NOW getting back to running (I kept up lifting and as much cardio as I could do) and feeling pretty good. that is after NINE MONTHS of no sugar / no added sugar / no sweeteners. my pain slowly abated in the first few months but I wasn't sure I was ready. I highly recommend going Whole 30 or sugar fasting and see how the fast works for you. after my 21 day sugar fast I felt so incredible - almost no pain! - I have kept it up (mostly).

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All good dietary changes to make! Also, cut out any highly inflammatory processed seed oils : canola (I.e., rape seed oil) is horribly inflammatory, yet marketed as a โ€œhealthyโ€ oil! Corn oil, vegetable oil, and definitely soybean oil (they put this in EVERYTHING now). Check all packaged dressings, mayonnaise, etc. itโ€™s all poison and creates or increases inflammation. You should only cook with or dress salads with organic EVOO, avocado or coconut oils.

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Great advice. Sugar is so pro-inflammatory (I really need to reduce my intake).

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that's good advice, thank you! I definitely haven't denied myself sugar, so perhaps this would help. I have heard it can be irritating for inflammation. Sorry you're going through this too. It's a nightmare, huh? I went through several months as well where I was just doing weights and light cardio...it's miserable, huh? You just miss running so much. There's nothing like it.

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I feel so bad for both of you not being able to run like you used to ๐Ÿ˜ž I started running later in life but now itโ€™s such a part of my life and brings me so much joy and peace that I can totally sympathize with how hard it must be not to be able to run ๐Ÿ˜ž Hope you find a way to take away the pain and get back to it!

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Thank you!! It is something that has always given me peace and clarity...it's just 30 minutes a day with myself where I am responsible for nothing but getting fresh air and exercise. My running time has always been my time to really think things through...without it I was just lost. But there was a silver lining - because I felt so despondent during those many months I could not run, I sought solace in the church and have now been going actively every week for over a year. I am able to run again, thankfully, I just have to be careful and really take it easy and not push myself like I used to.

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Yes, itโ€™s definitely a way of clearing your head. I do use it almost like a prayer time quite often. Iโ€™m glad your forced break from running had the silver lining of getting you back to church! And also glad you can now run again!

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Iโ€™ve enjoyed reading about both of your love of running! I ran up to my 50th birthday. But just started having so much pain in my back and knees. So I stopped and only walk now. I miss running sooooo much! Just like you said--used it for quiet time and taking in everything outside around you. Was spiritual as much as physical. Hope you both are able to get back to it and enjoy it.

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Agree but I think there were saline lots too. Makes it way more difficult to spot patterns.

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yeah but that only applies to folks that got ONE shot...once you get multiple shots the roulette is in full swing.

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The evil ones were certainly smart and cunning enough to cover tracks that way. I have no doubt of that or they jiggled them enough to cause trouble years ahead.

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There were also cold storage issues, no doubt.

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Exactly. I remember at first they had to be frozen at some ridiculous low temperature before thawed. How many Walgreens or Walmarts had that ability plus because they didnโ€™t the vials sat around thawed more than they should have. Maybe the ones in the back of the fridge were the more dangerous ones. That cold fact stuck is stuck in my brain.

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Then that piece of the narrative just disappeared which lends credence to the notion that the entire story is based on layers upon layers of lies.

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AND they are now saying that the product tested in the trials is not even the one that they ended up distributing. Josh Guetzkow has been looking at that line of inquiry.

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Heat Wave? Keep Cool with Memories of Sub-Zero Vaccines

Cold beer from the vaccine freezers at the ICE-O-LATION SALOON


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I keep praying that's true. I hope all of this is in my head or just naturally occurred some other way.

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Not a health care person but youโ€™re probably experiencing an inflammatory side effect. Unfortunately. Have you looked at any of the detox protocols? If itโ€™s any consolation I got Covid (finally) this past January and my immune system has been a bit wacky since. No vaccines here. Trying to work on boosting my immune system.

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I think you're right. I have tried a couple of detox protocols and it seems to be getting better. I'm not nearly in as much pain as I was. That's good advice though, all of us should be working on boosting our immune systems.

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Have you looked up howbadismybatch.com. They track deaths & side effects by lot & batch number.

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I did - thankfully mine show almost nothing. No deaths, and very minor reactions in any way. My husband's were a bit more troubling...a few serious hospital trips, etc. This could all be in my head, it's just so weird that the pain started very soon after and I had never had pain when running. I've been running for over 25 years now.

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Jen, lifetime athlete/coach as well here. All of us are walking in a mine field now. I work with distance athletes in sand. Most don't have access to a decent amount. If you do, consider switching over at least until you can possibly workout what the hip issue might be. The lack of impact would assist with inflammation possibly. The high energy cost of sand training would mean less is more in distance and intensity. I coach lots of athletes live and via digital in this realm. Do consider flcc protocols. If interested, feel free to reach out. More than willing to share data and technique info. Best to you and your team.

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Thank you! Very helpful. I do live close enough to a beach to do this.

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Itโ€™s not in your head. My husband had the Moderna jab. The day of his 2nd jab he could not walk up the stairs. Then the extreme nerve pain in both thighs. Diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis. He had never had back pain prior to the jabs. That was in March of 2021. In totality heโ€™s had 4 level 4 spine surgeryโ€™s and a dead gallbladder removal which btw, he never had Gallbladder problems either prior to the jabs, sepsis, a blood clot, lost 100lbs for no apparent reason, 65 of those pounds were lost in 6 weeks. He basically lost all his muscle mass. Went from 314 to under 230 lbs. heโ€™s still walking with a cane because his balance is not good. I saw 1st hand how the hospital tried to brush me aside when I wanted them to note in his chart that this was most definitely a vaccine injury. The Dots donโ€™t get any closer than this. Unable to walk the day of getting the jab and downhill from there.

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oh wow, I'm so sorry! yeah, I am with you. The cause there could only be one thing. It infuriates me so much when doctors try to brush it off. It happened the same day, there is absolutely no other possible reason.

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This is horrifying. ๐Ÿ˜ข

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Don't second guess yourself like that. It is not all in your head - it is in your hip. You are experiencing a side effect that many other have - new inflammatory problems.

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They amped up 5g at the same time as well, could be another factor ๐Ÿค”

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I'm fairly confident there were saline and / or other combinations of ingredients in various jabs. Maybe some mastermind tracks results by lot number of injection, so they know how to be even more diabolical next time.

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A good test run wasnโ€™t it. ๐Ÿ™„

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SPARS 2025-2028

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Yes, and not by design necessarily but more a matter of production failures. They were doing everything at "warp speed" so there was no product consistency (which in the end is a silver lining). One recent study (from Sweden maybe?) suggested that the vast majority of adverse events were tied to a very small percentage of batches.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

That is my thought based on observation. (That some areas got saline). Around me, Iโ€™m not seeing a big uptick in the medical problems some describe here.

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I hope you will be able to get relief and a good resolution to your issue. ๐Ÿฅฐ There's also evidence that the shots mess up and kill your helpful gut bacteria leaving you exposed on a basic level to other bacteria that are harmful. This is not good as we know good health starts in the stomach etc. So maybe pro-biotics supplements.

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That's good advice, thank you! I do same some probiotics from time to time, so I just need to be more consistent about it.

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Someone recently turned me on to raw kombucha as a way to get probiotics. I really like the Synergy flavor called Trilogy. It tastes almost like raspberry ginger ale. I get it at a local organic market in the cold case.

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Try it when you don't have to be anywhere in the next 8 hours. When I started adding kombucha and pro-biotics supplements I got bloated. Your body gets used to it and you learn what works best for you.

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My elderly father had an episode last December shortly following his latest booster shot. He was in so much pain with inflammation to his hips and leg that he landed in rehab for a couple of months. I can't even suggest to him that it was the jab that set if off even though it is amazing timing. He attributes it to sitting too long while writing out his Christmas cards. As though he never sits long at his desk otherwise. I have given up. Another of my sisters, keeps pushing him to stay up to date on the shots.

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Ugh, that's so frustrating. My husbands parents are lifelong conservatives and I can't even get through to them. They keep taking boosters and they're already so fragile, I can't even imagine the damage this is doing to them. They've just always trusted the medical establishment, so this would be a major adjustment for them. I did put my foot down though and say absolutely not when they brought up the shots for the kids. They know not to bring that up now. They just trust though...my MIL even brought up the HPV shot with me, and I was very clear that I know people my age who had injuries from that one. We have known for years that was a bad shot. I feel bad because she is so well intentioned and a good person, but she just doesn't see it in this case.

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I was first wakened to waiting and questioning years ago when there HPV shot came out and my daughter's physician recommended waiting. I am forever thankful for her hesitancy.

I lost my mom in 2022 after she severely declined with dementia after shots. It's frustrating as there isn't any way to determine causation other than she had a mild, slowly progressing decline prior to the shots.

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Give her the book HPV Vaccine On Trial. that will explain things so she doesn't bring it up again. and then Dr. Humphries book Dissolving Illusions for the flu shot wake up ;)

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I have a friend who was an avid hiker, rafter, camper, and workout enthusiast but 2 weeks after her 2nd covid shot, she started having breathing problems. She's been to countless doctors (cardiologist, rheumatologist, pulmonalogist, etc) and has had a gazillion tests but no one has been able to help her. It's dramatically affected her lifestyle and she's at her wits end. Has anyone here heard of this?

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yes, and it's due to the micro-clotting. she DOES need to be cautious.

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Wouldn't clots be picked up on scans? She's had every kind of scan there is. She says her pulmonalogist said her lungs are good. Her cardiologist said her heart is good too.

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She needs to check out pulmonary arterial hypertension. It would show up on an echocardiogram. Very rare but microclots would cause it.

I got diagnosed with it 3 months before the covid plandemic. Couldnโ€™t breathe! Was told my lungs were good, everything was find until the echo showed PAH. Then a heart cath confirmed it. It is very rare so noone looks for it but it will be more common because of the phoney baloney vaxes. I am very thankful I never took them.

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What I have read is that you need to D Dimer to see the very small clots. I have read of people who did not detect them until doing the D Dimer

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they could still affect her circulation in locations other than specifically the heart/lungs. (and apparently they're super tiny) They interfere with the "good blood cells" taking O2 around your body

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Thank you! I'll tell her about this.

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I would make sure they have run D-dimer and troponin tests.

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Thanks! I'll ask her if they've done these tests.

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My dad had this side effect. Still doesn't breathe right. I attribute it to microclotting and scar tissue from that damage.

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My older brother took the J&J shot and it immediately laid him out. He has been having major sciatica issues which sometimes reduce him to using a walker. He has had at least 3 injection procedures, which get him almost back to normal and then eventually the pain returns. Family has tried offering advice re supplements, protocols, etc., but if he listened to any of us, he wouldnโ€™t have taken the damn shot to begin with.

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I am so sorry Jen, that you were deceived. Please check out FLCCC (Dr. McCullough) protocols for getting rid of spike protein.

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So sorry Jen. Personal testimonies like yours are heartbreaking, but they also inform us, which is so important. Prayers of mercy for all who have similar concerns post jab.

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I can't actually "like" your comment but I tapped it anyway to acknowledge what you said. Even though you came to the party late, you are awake now and THAT is still the key! You can take steps to offset your injury and you can work to keep others safe in the future. ๐Ÿ’•

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Thank you :-) That's a good point! I did wake up in time to keep my kids safe. That was a big wakeup call to me...it never made any sense that they were pushing these things on young kids when they never had much impact from covid anyway. From a numbers perspective, cost/benefit analysis, it didn't make sense to force it on them, and yet they did it anyway. I really knew something was wrong then.

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Seek help from a homeopathic or functional medicine doctor! They can often recommend alternative treatments that are far more effective than traditional western medicine.

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For me the most evil aspect of the rollout was the jabbing by age group. Did the military age kids get the highest doses? Because if I were trying to soften up the enemy, thatโ€™s what Iโ€™d do.

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Two years ago, May, I read a letter by a USAF colonel to his superiors begging them not to force the jab on the AF--unknown risks etc to pilots. My tin-foil chapeau jauntily angled, I considered Cicero's now most-famous question. Who could possibly gain from this? I supposed that Austin is in the pocket of the CCP, and would purposely weaken our young men. And then last week read an internal post in which the 'brass' consider returning to mandatory military service. They just cannot seem to whip up enthusiasm among normal young folks for joining up so they can get on with being hit on by queers and trannies.

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Good point, and we are seeing a high number of young athletes and even kids in highschool dropping. I'd like to know if there really are that many more of them that were "targeted" or if it's just that much more noticeable to us if someone in that age group drops than say someone more at risk for a heart attack due to age/lifestyle.

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The 15 year old neighbor girl said that there are whispers among the students about jab injuries. The kids are getting it.

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my daughter's former HS boyfriend passed away from an aggressive sudden VERY RARE brain cancer a few days ago. she is shocked and so sad - and her whole friend group blames the mRNA shots. he was a student athlete at an Ivy, super healthy. spent his whole life being a fantastic student and athlete, gets recruited to an Ivy, then this. heartbreaking. but yeah the kids definitely get it, at least around me (and it's very very liberal around me).

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My son was at a very prestigious private boys high school in 9th and 10th grade and the school pushed vaccination HARD. It made a big deal about "all of our staff is fully vaccinated and we encourage you to get your boys vaccinated" blah, blah, blah. Well, one day in English, his teacher made a comment about how stupid it was to be wearing masks when "everyone in this school is vaccinated" (true statement) but one kids says, "I'm not vaccinated." And another one added, "me neither." The teacher was shocked. She asked (though she probably shouldn't have :)), "how many of you aren't vaccinated." My son said at least half the students raised their hands. My point is: the school gave us the impression in every communication that the school community was highly, highly vaccinated when in reality, a large percentage of boys were NOT. And remember, this was a very snooty all-boys private school chosen by many parents for the prestige factor (we sent our son there because it claimed to be Catholic - he's homeschooled now).

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my son attended a private Catholic all-boys prep school. our Headmaster refused to do a mRNA vaccine clinic at the school, and recommended to us all AGAINST the shots! He had already heard it caused problems for teen boys! I still got them "in solidarity" with my daughter whose (also Catholic) school was heavily into them and did have an in-school clinic - in the end that was good even though I was injured b/c I knew not to have her get them. anyway student athletes of around that time had it much much harder. even at colleges that did not require them, the NCAA did. her BF was a football commit. between the NCAA and the Ivy League, he must have faced massive pressure.

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My teen went to a fancy catholic prep school which also pushed the shot. I was so nervous because there was a clinic onsite. Unfortunately they also turned my kids provax and he probably ran out to get the shot this year upon turning of age. I was shocked by the behavior of the Catholics. They were even keeping people from mass. I was never able to actually go on campus where my kid went to school.

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Typical propaganda technique. Make people think theyโ€™re the only holdouts and everyone else is โ€œagainstโ€ them so they fold more easily ๐Ÿ˜•

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Amazing and hopeful. I wonder how many other cases repeat this example? And I often wonder what the real vaccination rates are? Like what lies are being told about this.

Yeah for homeschooled. You all are terrific parents! Hats off!

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Encouraging news. I thought all the younger ones had bought into the scam wholeheartedly.

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Thatโ€™s horrible, so heartbreaking ๐Ÿ˜ž

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Well I sure hope they begin talking about it because this campaign is aimed at them!!

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Oh ouch. That the children feel they have to 'whisper'. One of the reasons I escaped from the high school in Jan '21 was the feeling of living in an absolute lie, one which my teacher colleagues absolutely believed.

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Try 500 mg of curcumin, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, morning and evening for three months. If you feel improvement - I did - double it to 1,000 mg of curcumin morning and evening. Also, if you can afford it, buy the nano formulation, which has superior bioavailability.

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I โ€œgot sickโ€ in may of last year and since that time have had pain in my knees, and confirmed it was arthritis. It came on strong and fast.. never took a jab...

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Me too. Last winter. Forgiveness actually stopped my joint pain.

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Forgiveness is general?

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I had a pretty extreme situation that I was beating myself down for. I had arthritis and endless bleeding. Both stopped concurrent with therapeutic breakthroughs of self forgiveness. Enabling your own illness psychologically is not good.

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Thank you for answering.... working on it also

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Considering they have supposedly IDed specific jab batches that are causing the most harm, one can conclude that indeed, not all jabs were created equal. Yet another reason this whole thing should've been shut down immediately, they couldn't even manufacture the things accurately.

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The truth is that Big Pharma has been doing that with vaccines for quite some time. Seems they were sued when numerous children had side effects from a bad vaccine batch. They were able to figure this out because the bad batches were concentrated to specific areas of the country. Now those f'ers mix all the batches up so it is much harder to track the bad batches if numerous people have side effects.

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Good to know.

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Indeed, that's a great point.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Iโ€™m beginning to think that the entire House of Representatives is in actuality a makeshift bumper-to-bumper, go nowhere, pixilated - and oftentimes - irksome Congressional doppelganger and the genuine one is CURRENTLY being sequestered in the trunk of a Red Corvetteโ€ฆsomewhere.

In an attempt to prove this theory, yesterday (all day) I took on the persona of a politicianโ€ฆโ€ฆI gave my plants a stern talking to and sent off a nasty letter to the Homeowners Association, but other than that I got absolutely nothing done, so I could be wrongโ€ฆ.. maybe it just comes with the territory.

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HOAs are evil.

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They are a choice. One can choose to avoid them.

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Agree. I always get so annoyed when someone says that about HOA's. Don't buy a house in a subdivision with an HOA if you feel that way about them. It's not like you buy a house and then realize you were bamboozled because there is an HOA. I live in a neighborhood with a pretty strict, self-managed HOA. Many people want to live in my subdivision because the houses all look so well kept but it is because of the HOA the houses look the way they do. People want to reap the rewards of the rules but not follow them when it comes to THEIR decisions. It's very frustrating.

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We certainly did! No HOA for us, ever, if at all possible!

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True, I do. But the stories my friends have who donโ€™t ๐Ÿคฃ would keep the screenwriters for soap operas busy anyway. One friend has two HOAโ€™s. Their primary and their lake house- and the evil person is in both as well! But of course, first world problem. Makes some good conversation over wine and cheese. My โ€œhoaโ€ just eat my plants every winter and leave turd pellets around and produce cute spotted babies every spring.

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When we moved to our little ranch I specifically picked a place with NO HOA...I love my lifted, jacked up trucks and so do my neighbors. On a scale of yee yee with one being HOA ville with bentleys and karens and foofoo dogs and 5 being lynrd and skynnrd and toilets in the front yard we are probably a solid 3.

We are at the very edge of the city so it was a pain to build our shop and add electricity to it

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Well, "evil" is a bit of a stretch. No hospitals are being bombed, neither are heads being lopped off of residents who are late with their dues. They are oftentimes dumb as hell, showing favortism to some while dealing heavy handedly with others. Nepotism and quasi-nepotism can run rampant. They can be irrational and power hungry. In other words, they are no different than every other business. Some are obviously worse than others. You can't, in all honesty, throw them under the bus without tossing all of corporate America along with it.

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We had this situation in our subdivision where this person decided to put up a fence. The wooded area behind his home is owned by the subdivision's HOA. This person made the decision to put his fence on HOA property because he has a weird shaped lot and wanted to make his yard look symmetrical and bigger. Now the county has gotten involved and wants to fine the HOA because we have an unpermitted "structure" on our property. This means all of the other homeowners would have to then pay more dues for the fine because this one person made a decision that affects the entire neighborhood. The homeowner, who erected the fence on an area that is not his property, then proceeded to hire an attorney to force the HOA to allow his fence to remain on property that he does NOT own. Sorry but that homeowner is a stupid ahole. It goes both ways with HOA's. We have certainly had some power hungry HOA board members but most of the time we have had people who just want to keep up the integrity and value of the homes in the subdivision. I have seen a lot of stupid people do stupid things since being on the board of the HOA.

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I worked for an HOA for years and had to send out violations. Some of it was pure insanity, like the resident failed to get permission to take down a very obvious dying and dangerous tree. Honestly, I couldn't stand it there, no offense. When I was looking for a new house, that was my number one rule: no HOAs, and part of it was because of some - definitely not all - who wind up on boards. We were lucky and had many good board members. The second was idiots like you mentioned. 9 times out of 10, a resident wanted HOA rules for everyone, except them of course. They thought they should be the exception.

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No offense taken. I have friends who also refuse to live anywhere there is an HOA and I totally understand. I personally don't like it either, but it is a necessary evil so that lazy people keep up with the maintenance of their homes. I would move to 100 acres and put my house right in the middle if it was an option. Sadly, it isn't something I can do.

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I can't see how he has a case if the HOA bylaws outline this particular issue which, I'm assuming it does since it involves property lines.

We lived in an HOA neighborhood years ago. At closing, we had to sign a document proving we knew there was an HOA and proving we received a copy of the HOA bylaws.

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He doesn't and that is why I said he is stupid. And this is how stupid he really is. The bylaws for the HOA state that if the HOA has to hire an attorney because a homeowner takes them to court and then loses, the homeowner will have to pay the HOA's legal fees. And we have the power to put a lein on his property if he refuses to pay the legal fees. In addition, if he refuses to move the fence the HOA can hire a contractor to move it and he will have to pay for that as well. So this dude is really not that sharp. Most likely he doesn't want to move the fence because he put some real fancy landscaping on the area where the fence is, also. This guy has stated that he wants to sell his house in a year so he is just setting himself up for all kinds of headaches. He won't be able to sell the property either, because the HOA won't provie the seller packet until he moves the fence, too. He just loses all around. Like I said, he is really stupid.

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I'm game. We can throw all of corporate America and hoa's under the bus and start over.๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

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I'm all for starting over. Seems to me that is the only way to fix the mess our government has become.

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Okay. Dues are $300 a year. I'll forward my address.

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$300? Mine are over $1,000. And the neighborhood was built in the 1970's. Not new, no golf course. There's a pool and a playground. And pool use if an extra $40 a year.

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It's the dues to start the new "Throw the HOA's and Corporate America Under the Bus Fund."

$300 is a drop in the bucket. I'm not greedy.

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1000? That's insane.

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I used to live in a neighborhood with a community pool and that is why the dues were so high. The maintenance of the pool and insurance are very expensive.

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HOAs are just a cabal of Karens.

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Couldn't pay me to live under one. I pay taxes so it's my house to do with as I please, not the HOA's to say what I am allowed to do.

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Become evil because the evil people want power and the good people wonโ€™t get involved. Just sayinโ€™

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I will never become evil or support it.

It's against how I was raised and how my moral code goes.

Do bad things to bad dudes, but never become evil.

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Talking about HOAs and money, Not Hamas.

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It is a disgusting rubber stamp-like Senate of yet another disgusting Empire on the way to self-immolation by the fires of its own evil lusting.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As Jeff said, all MSM is completely focused on the Israel FF.

The events in Israel are also to distract from KMโ€™s defeats on all fronts.

Hunter is out of the news

Border is out of the news

Ukraine is out of the news

Speaker drama out of the news

Biden Crime Family is out of the news

Worldwide illegal immigrant invasion is out of

the news

Horrible economy is out of the news

Lahiana is out of the news.

Covid injuries and lies are out of the news


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I believe the current โ€˜warโ€™ is to distract about the most important news of all--we are at war and the shots being fired were in the arm.

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Ironic how so many Christians defend Israel, which is hostile to Christians.

A country which has worked to diminish Christian expression throughout the Western world.

And which was the most tyrannical of the Covid Vaxine Regimes. Did any country force more vaxines than Israel?

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Itโ€™s not that we defend all of Israelโ€™s actions. Have you studied the Bible and Bible prophecy? The events happening in Israel have been foretold in the Bible. God will never forget His chosen people, and we are told to bless Israel. Even God doesnโ€™t defend all of the Jewsโ€™ actions. They have been punished over and over, but God always brings them back to Him. All of Bible prophecy centers around Israel and Jerusalem.

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Incorrect, Jamison. All of Bible prophecy centers around Jesus. In fact, the entire Bible is about Jesus. I'm amazed how many Christians still worship the created instead of the Creator.

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No one will ever get anywhere saying, "It any so" to those who know or think they know the answer. And this whether the Fallen Church or the enlisted Army of Arm Jabber Self-Righteous. So why try?

Here is a video, not a perfect one. For one, the interviewer does not know some of the necessary right questions to be asked. And the interviewee cuts some corners. But on Zionism and the god-State Holy, he is nearly entirely right.


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Based Florida Man, I usually agree with your comments but not on the issue of Israel. As a Christian, I support Israelโ€™s right to occupy and defend the land God gave to them. Theyโ€™ve been a persecuted people from the beginning and have suffered immensely and God has allowed that. But study Godโ€™s Word and you will understand this is prophetic; we are in the End Times and itโ€™s all been written in the Bible. God is in control. Man, as a whole, is fallen and tends towards evil unless they recognize who created them and who died a horrible death to save humanity from their own sins.

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-- Covid was a scam. We agree.

-- Ukraine war was a scam. We agree.

-- Israel war... no that's legitamite. I'm with Biden and Linsday Graham on protecting the Bible Lands. Bomb the militant animals and bury them in their holes! <--- where we are now

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Ukraine isn't a scam.

It's an actual genocide by Russia. Your labeling it as a scam doesn't take away the real pain and suffering that is happening because of Russia and Putin.

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Julie, your beliefs are not biblical. All prophecy is Jesus-based, not Israel-based.

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Israel is not hostile to Christians, how silly.

In the other hand, Muslims have said โ€œWe will kill the Saturday people first, then the Sunday peopleโ€.

But, go ahead.

Your ignorance and anti-Israel stance has been noted

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So all those reports of Christians in Israel being spit-upon by Orthodox Jews, and the Jews defending themselves by saying, "We've always done that because it is our custom," were fake news? Seriously, it was only weeks ago!

Yes, I am anti-Zionist Israel, and so thankful to God for answering my prayers and opening my eyes to reality. But...___________ (Muslims, Arabs, Christians...) are worse than Jews! Same defense, almost every time. Next, we will bring up the Holohoax and call people anti-semites for questioning my false god of Israel. Yes, I hope this comment offends many. The Gospel itself is offensive to Christ-haters (Jews).

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And I keep seeing people write comments that anyone who questions Israel 'has been noted', intending to invoke some kind of fear of Israel (or it's worshippers) or possibly even intended to threaten. I got news for y'all...if I ain't scared of satan himself, your intended shaming or threats mean nothing to me. My God has told me not to fear, and I actually believe Him.

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And Muslim countries *arenโ€™t* hostile to Christians??? Even some secular traditionally *Christian* countries are hostile to Christians. Why single out Israel? Especially when Muslim countries have a far worse track record overall of how they treat Christians.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

Singling out Israel as the one 'threatening to bomb hospitals" (as Jeff stated) all while they are the #1 grifter for US taxpayer money.

And of course they're worst of all Covid Vax tyrants, forcing as many as 5 shots on millions of people.

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Okโ€ฆ not really getting your reasoning on this so agree to disagree.

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BFM, the recurring theme in most of these opposing responses is that "______" (Muslims, Christians, Arabs...) are so much worse than Israel! As if genocide is ok as long as they're not the worst ones? Most Christians have an Israel-based view of prophecy, when all prophecy is actually Jesus-based. Do they really think that Jesus created Himself for Israel instead of Israel being created for Jesus? Seriously, who are they actually worshipping?

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And then there was Syria where everybody got alone ... until the Americans came.

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Israel has as many different divisions of peoples as America. They donโ€™t all have the same beliefs and practices. Why do you have such a negativity towards them?

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Because Israel is part of the Deep State. The whole pedo ring with Jeffery Epstein and his mossad associates was anchored there.

The grift is so great we give them 4 billion dollars every year. With constant chaos in the middle east.

Instead of focusing on our own needs.

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The USG is definitely a leading actor in the Deep State and an enabler of the pedo ring and all forms of human/sex trafficking. It just prints money out of its azz to support all manner of evil, plunging us deeer and deeper in the slavery of indebtedness. Many, many, many nations receive our largesse. President Trump was getting a handle on it before the stolen election put the degenerates back in power.

So, if we are attacked by terrorists, (and we are already in ways that are routinely covered up by our government) in a massive attack (theyโ€™ve about got the players in place) we should just say, too bad? Canโ€™t support the USA because the USG is so vile?

Where is the โ€˜pure as driven snowโ€™ nation in this evil time in the history of humanity?

How come all a sudden, over the past few years a bunch of arm chair political experts have targeted Israel, using the very same talking points and identical numbers?

How do you feel about the Jewish people?

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Willing Spirit, I'll respond for myself only. Thank you for giving me grace for this opportunity.

"How do you feel about the Jewish people?"- I love the Jewish people, as any other ethnicity but without any special favoritism because I believe we are God's finest creation.

As to the claim of recent targeting of Israel, I can only refer you to the history of Jews being expelled from countries over the course of time. This is not new, just new to some.

There is no pure nation, including America in the very beginning. The fact that we allow an obelisk to exist in our nation's capital (Washington Monument) testifies that we have never been a Christ-centered nation. Freemasonry is satanic, and actually comes from the kabbalah.

And when we are officially attacked as a country, I will NOT be fighting for 'The United States of America.' I will be fighting for the people around me that I love. And yes, I fully expect to be killed and forgotten, which is fine with me.

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BFM, Cognitive Dissonance is greater on this issue than most others combined. These are deeply-held beliefs, most since childhood. But they are not biblical beliefs. Scofield futurism heresy and Darby's dispensationalist crap has blinded many who truly love Jesus, but they've believed people to TELL them what Scripture teaches instead of learning it for themselves. For an off-topic example: Many think the forbidden fruit in the Garden was an apple, although that is not biblical.

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Russia forced a lot of Vaccines yet you still carry water for them.

I've been to Israel to visit family. I never had any hostility directed at me in any way.

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We cannot judge the US based on the Democratic Party, nor can we judge Israel on the khazarian mafia (and same with Catholics on the St Gallen mafia). Don't fall for it. Faithful Jews may be sparse but they are our brothers in Abraham and need our support.

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Their talmud claims it is acceptable for an adult man to have intercourse with a female child who is at least three years old. They aren't my brothers if they believe that. They are enemies of God, and thus my enemy.

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If I understand correctly, the Talmud is a collection of statements by a bunch of different rabbis expressing a bunch of different opinions. If so, then "Talmud says X ..." just translates into "some rabbi somewhere said X, and other rabbis disagreed with him, and it was controversial enough to be worth writing down". Which casts a very different light on it.

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Im not arguing against you, but have you read the actual talmud for yourself? Be forewarnedโ€ฆit might be a death sentence for you according to their talmud.

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There is also the small matter of setting up a scenario where a global conflict excalates and then goes hot...

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...so the Globalists can get Governments to declare Martial Law in their countries and take over. Trudeau will go first.

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They are suffocating ANY news of Lahaina. That alone makes me believe something really, really evil went on there.

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Right you are. Evil as in a directed weapon attack burning out the native Hawaiians who refused to sell their prime ancestral land to greedy developers. Wealthy homes just feet away were untouched. Evidence of heat damage far above normal fire temperatures, etc.

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Yep. Big psyops with more maiming and killing.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Going to say this for all those in the back- "WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY". We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and everyone should start correcting people when they say the word "democracy". Just my 2 cents.

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Your โ€œ2 centsโ€ are worth untold millions.

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Which adds to the absurdity of the standard DNC line about "our democracy".

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I agree that is what we were originally. But when we eliminated hierarchical representation and went to direct vote and everyone gets a vote, we became a democracy in spite of the Constitution. We are now in the process of even eliminating the Separation of Powers in the USG and also eliminating the separate jurisdictions of state and local authority submerging all under the control of the Resident Emperor who already controls most of the legislating authority.

Reality. It will take a war to get back to the Constitution's original intent.

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It sure seems like that is where we are headed.

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Your lovingkindness, O Yahweh, is in the heavens,

Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

Your righteousness is like the mountains of God;

Your judgments are like a great deep.

O Yahweh, You save man and beast.

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!

And the sons of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.

They are satisfied from the richness of Your house;

And You give them to drink of the river of Your delights.

For with You is the fountain of life;

In Your light we see light.

โ€” Psalm 36:5-9 LSB

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in the shadow of your wings ๐Ÿ™Œ

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" a โ€œjungle primaryโ€ after the leading candidate, also not a socialist, was assassinated. And then the six people arrested for his assassination were all murdered in prison. Thatโ€™s just the tip of the storyโ€™s iceberg."

When I read this about Ecuador, I fear I see our future. The culture here has changed. The fact that 30% of americans polled say that they do not see Biden's family corruption as even immoral much less illegal, tells me that even if we got the leadership turned around, the general public is degenerate enough that they believe corruption and graft is the way to get ahead in life.

That's how socialist/communist subversion works. I can't believe the 80 million people who voted for Trump didn't walk off their jobs on Jan 20, 2021 and demand a same-day paper ballot election with televised counting of the ballots.

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I have been amused (and saddened) by people who get upset with our sheriff because he posts on social media photos of criminals who have been caught. Drug dealers, murderers, men who attack grandmothers and take their purses, etc. How dare the sheriff speak badly about these people! The fact that they advocate for these criminals is a proof of what you wrote, DEBORAH. Many Americans are immoral and lacking in discernment.

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I think the wake-up call for me regarding most Americansโ€™ immorality and/or lack of discernment was the reaction that many people had to Bill Clintonโ€™s many adulterous relationships while in officeโ€”crickets or shoulder-shrugging apathy. And these reactions were coming from church-going โ€œChristians.โ€

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I remember what they said; โ€œEveryone lies about sex!โ€

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โ€œItโ€™s his private life!โ€ ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

What they wouldnโ€™t say was that some of the accusations against him were of sexual abuse or harassment. That definitely isnโ€™t just โ€œhis private life.โ€

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Yep! The only reason we knew about Monica was because he was being investigated for other sexual misconduct (accused of rape...not the Brett K. version of misconduct) and they were looking for a pattern of behavior, which they obviously found

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Exactly and it always infuriates me how that very important โ€œdetailโ€ is skipped over! They were very successful in the PR effort to dismiss it all as a bunch of prudes worried about Clintonโ€™s private sex life ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

Is that Polk Countyโ€™s finest? Grady Judd

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No this is Sheriff Kevin White, in Franklin County, NC. He also posted this a few weeks ago.

"Under ZERO circumstances will COVID lockdowns or mandates be enforced under my jurisdiction.

I want to clear something up. As rumors of a new wave of COVID are swirling again, I wanted to put a few things on the record.

I am a duly elected Constitutional officer. I swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution - not to fulfill the desires of political tyrants and unelected bureaucrats.

Politicians throughout North Carolina are free to pass or order whatever mandates or lockdowns they like, but they will have to look elsewhere for someone to enforce it.

Let it be known: our community will serve as a citadel of freedom and a sanctuary for our divinely granted rights. I will NEVER enforce a government action that infringes on your individual rights and liberties.

Feel free to let the political class know: our community is Freedom Town, USA and always will be."

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Wow! Iโ€™m a fanโค๏ธ

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*checks zillow for new home listings*

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That is awesome!! What a great sheriff!! They should all be like him!!

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Saved to my heroes file! Where I go for encouragement.

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Politicians seem to have no clue these days. They are obtuse to believe if they throw a โ€˜pamper dayโ€™ for inmates wives/girlfriends and a party for inmates children, that inmates will magically end their assaults on correctional officers. This story in a nutshell shows how completely ignorant Progressive Leftists are about law enforcement. Itโ€™s called enforcement for a reason.

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And ignorant about human nature!!

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What makes me think you live in Polk Cty? I am far away in Pa. but am appreciative of that county's sheriff.

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25% of Americans (Democrats) want boots on ground in Ukraine to kill Russians; Gvt. pushing ahead on banning Nat Gas use for commoners, eating up resources for underhoused and illegal invaders, gender-blender bathroom regulations, NO voting or polling to slow things down... It's all fake marketing to get Elitist Globalist God-Hating work funded and done. Trump a criminal, Biden just a savvy opportunist and career public servant.

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We actually had American soldiers killing Russians under Trump...and nobody said a word.

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The entire MESS of Syria primarily, not sure why NPR and media did not spend more time spinning and crucifying the interim president more on that.

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the democrats weaponized our govt and destroy people at will

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I LOVE the idea of televised ballot counting!!!!!!!

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I love the cheery sunshine outside my window, but I fear America is going into a very dark, dark solar eclipse. I pray every day that God's will be done, that the evil be punished and that people be restored to health. But ... this does not mean that we will get a free hop, skip and a jump on all of this. Nope ... I fear the horrors I sense are coming, and just around the corner. I only wish it weren't so. But the old saying is 'what goes around, comes around'.

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I would substitute "satanic" for "socialist/communist" subversion.

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Jeffery Epstein? I think thereโ€™s a meme about thatโ€ฆ.โ€™Jeffery Epstein did not kill himselfโ€™ or somethingโ€ฆ.

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trump is a ZIONIST ๐Ÿคฎ

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I didn't walk off my job that bleak winter morning as I had driven past numerous LCD billboards with "FBI SEEKING INFORMATION" on the way to work.

Maybe that's why there was no stomach to protest the overthrow?

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I see our past (ahem, Kennedys).

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As one who has coexisted with lupus since my military experience (many years ago), I flatly refused to take the mRNA injection. It never, ever made sense.

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The lack of disclosure was the big clue. They never listed all the side effects.

Wasn't the info insert card in the covid shots just a blank sheet?

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And if it is so good why censor and mandate? ๐Ÿค”

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If Covid was as deadly as they claimed (and I am NOT denying it was very bad for some people), and the shots as GOOD as they claimed, people would have been fighting in the streets to get one.

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Exactly. No propaganda needed. The illness would have been obvious if it was as serious as they pushed it, and the "vaccine" effect would have been equally obvious. No one would need to push anything on anyone.

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I know. It didn't work. So us elephants ๐Ÿ˜ will be the constant reminder of why you shouldn't have taken the shots.

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I was going to say that it didnโ€™t work.

: )

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BFM - Yes, at least one info sheet that's supposed to come with the vials was completely blank. Re: "They never listed all the side effects." - a coworker indicated she never saw anything regarding possible adverse events prior to getting poked at work. And it would appear they didn't indicate all of the ingredients. So much for informed consent.

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"Intentionally left blank" was written on the insert.

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So many things were the clue. The two docs from California who talked about natural immunity and were immediately de-platformed, Rat-face himself who said it takes 10 years to make a vaccine, and Dr Lee Merritt who gave protocols for boosting the immune system, and donโ€™t forget Dr Zelensky who saved his whole town from covid illness with his protocol. For some reason they all got covid??? But recovered.

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That and all of the peer/social pressure techniques plus the incentives. It just seemed off to me.

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I work in a pharmacy now but did not at the time of rollout. So, I can't speak about inserts. But I did see everything corporate sent to us about all of it, including info from the pharma companies. It was not very detailed. I printed every bit of it off, though.... might come in handy some day.

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I was diagnosed with CFIDS in 2006 and really struggled with doctors to the point that I donโ€™t trust any of them. Even Naturopaths and dentists get a litany of questions from me. So there was no way in HELL I was letting them jab me with that poison. I did get COVID in 2021 and have been dealing with the effects from that (blood sugars went from borderline to way out of control), so I am so thankful I didnโ€™t bend to the shot pressure.

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Kudos!! Stay strong.

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I k ow a woman with multiple autoimmune diseases (lupus, sjogrens, RA) that was told to take the jabs. She now has an enlarged heart.

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023

I am in the same boat, except no shot. I am sorry she has more to contend with.

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Have you looked into the carnivore diet as a means to reverse autoimmunity? So many have found healing this way.

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I have mine under control. I am a meat eater however extremely picky, eating local meat. I also grow many of my own veggies and eat as much organic as possible.

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Thatโ€™s good, because my friendโ€™s cousin with lupus did not survive the second Pfizer shot.

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I am so sorry

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Oct 18, 2023ยทedited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Exactly - the next SCAMdemic will be hard to plan! That's perfect, and I often say that is one of the good things that came out of the scamdemic.... that many more people are awake now to nonsense. Obviously that does not mean the scamdemic was worth it.

A C&C commenter, and forgive me please for forgetting who, suggested buying one or two shares of stock in these pharma companies. Why? Because shareholders get to vote on board members and submit things to the board. These companies can ignore the general public, but not their shareholders. I thought it was brilliant and am seriously considering it. The price is right. The board will not like what I submit.

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Ooh that IS an interesting idea indeed!!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Playing ' woke-opoly'. Best line ever.

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I live in woke-opoly land. I am an expert in it. I always try to send them back to jail. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Where they are "persuaded" to play a few rounds of woke-roulette...

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Stop on CVS for your shot and get a free donut! ๐Ÿ˜‹ or something else unhealthy. You can do it! ๐Ÿ˜„

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"It is weird how the IDF intercepted this particular discussion but somehow missed all the discussions that mightโ€™ve warned them of the original Hamas attack, but I digress."


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Critical thinkers can recognize that this 'intelligence failure' was, at the very least, allowed to happen. People are even openly claiming this is Israel's 'Pearl Harbor' or '9/11,' both by 'surprise!' I can't believe how many of us still trust any source without researching for themselves, Jeff TELLS us that all the time!

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We need to keep digressing.

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Hmmmmmm; Jeff, Iโ€™ve been thinking a lot about that

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Now that they know that inflammation in the developing brain can cause autism, and the covid vaccine causes inflammatory issues, perhaps they will soon make another connection...

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Imagine if the shots cause miscarriage, and infertility.

Imagine the damage college administrators have done to our children.

Imagine the anger of their parents.

Imagine knowing who those people are.

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Theyโ€™ll be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives. And should.

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I hope you are right, but having seen almost none of this so far, I am not going to hold my breath.

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...perhaps because Companies and Sports Teams Mandated/forced the jabs is why they refuse to acknowledge the jab as the reason their pilots and athletes are stricken with SADS. They are culpable and CAN be sued, unlike Pharma who are granted immunity from legal recourse.

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Pharma does NOT have immunity if the product is a fraud. There is no protection for fraud.

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I think many in the medical research profession are working hard to prove fraud. There was NO informed consent and other findings. I believe their immunity from prosecution will be revoked. Probably their investors are believing that, too. Stock prices are diving.

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If the news ever lets up on the latest โ€˜warโ€™ this could get ugly in a hurry.

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I have said since the beginning that once critical mass is hit, the Karen Army will be howling for blood.

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Robin Landry - likely why the U.S. won't encourage any peace deals (btw why is this our business?) in the two big current conflicts. Re: "If the news ever lets up on the latest โ€˜warโ€™ this could get ugly in a hurry."

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Hamas ' very own charter says Israel has no right to exist.

Putin's own words and propagandists say the very same thing.

How can you have a peace deal with someone who denies you have the right to exist?

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It's real. Unfortunately. ๐Ÿ˜ช

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Don't have to imagine. It's all around us.

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I've mentioned this before here, but a good friend of mine has been diagnosed with lupus after her safe and effective shots. She gets painful swelling of her joints and limbs, can barely walk, and is now off work. Her doctors are baffled.

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I have a friend with the same thing. And in the same circle if Canadian friends, 2 heart problems and a vertigo diagnosis. Another friend has been to 6 funerals this summer. 2 turbo cancers, one 17 year old had her heart stop at a track meet, and one couple lost both children within months of each other to the Died Suddenly Syndrome.

As an aside, another friendโ€™s puppyโ€™s heart stopped in his 3rd vaccine.

Itโ€™s non-stop tragedy and yet only one jabbed couple gets it.

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Ugh yes. I have the same long list of probable jab injuries in my circle (I'm also in Canada). And yes, trying to get people to believe you is an uphill battle, if you try at all. Only one jab-injured friend that I know of is aware. He is a 20-year-old man who was forced to get the jab to keep his job and now has myocarditis and can no longer play sports or swim :(

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I begged my daughter (huge lefty) not to get the next jab and she said she would get it now just because I asked her not to. Sheโ€™s been jabbed and boosted so many times!!! I am so sad.

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I am so sorry, Colleen. Do you think Covid brought out this oppositional side to her or do you think there was a simmering resentment towards your views before? I only ask because I think my daughter might react the same way (as it is, I don't bring up the shots with her - she proudly posted her first shot on her Instagram and I truly believe that had her dad and I NOT been vaccinated, she would have required it to attend her wedding back in 2021).

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She left our home a Republican, married a โ€œgeniusโ€ and moved to Seattle. She is so far left now she is off the map. Literally everything I think she now thinks the opposite. From trans kids (give them early hormone blockers), climate change will kill us, pro Palestine (though I donโ€™t know WHAT to think anymore), etc. She was raised catholic and is now an atheist. We are beside ourselves.

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This could be my daughter's story too though she married a really nice young man but I think he lets her call the shots. She got "radicalized" in undergrad and then in grad school. She, too, was raised Catholic - all the Sacraments, went to Mass weekly and on Holy Days. Prayed the Rosary, even attended Latin Mass when I used to sing in the TLM choir. We made faith central to our lives, but I honestly don't think we were overbearing or strict about it. She was in the middle of marriage prep and about 2 months before her scheduled wedding in the Church, when she announced she "didn't agree with the Church's teaching on gender" and couldn't get married in it. She pretty much stopped using any "gendered" language and she doesn't refer to either me or my husband as mom and dad anymore because that is gendered. All we can do, Colleen, is pray and pray some more. I spend my days just begging the intercession of any Saint who will listen but especially our Mother Mary who had her heart pierced too. I will pray for you Colleen and for your daughter and all the misguided kids who have sold their birthrights for pottage.

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Oh Colleen, I hurt for you. Sending my sincerest regards.

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That's extraordinarily foolish, if you pardon me saying so. I am sorry. Unfortunately there's not much you can do besides let her go to make her own choices and suffer the (hopefully not too severe) consequences. My husband insisted on getting the shot against my warnings and suffered thrombocytopenia and now potentially-fatally-high blood pressure which he'll have to take medication for the rest of his life. A very lefty friend of mine brags about thinking of me when he got his latest booster, and insists his deteriorating health has nothing to do with it. Not much you can do.

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Gosh, so sorry to hear that about your husband! My daughter was vaxed and boosted at least three times and has been sick since January. I dare not tell her why or Iโ€™ll catch holy h3ll. She says itโ€™s fake news.

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She needs a booster or it could get worse

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The Covid TikTok nurses are back. Well, actually 'Israeli Soldiers'.

https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1713988539719839821 12 sec vid

When they start posting TikTok dancers, you know youโ€™re been fooled.

"Just your standard Mockery. It's a necessity for Them. You've been had........Again."

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C'mon, man (lol). Four of them, not hugely choreographed, is hardly the equivalent. And surely you've heard of the phrase, "Hurry up and wait?" This is the least damaging of what soldiers can think up to do while stuck trying to let their adrenal glands calm back down. Our gov't is preventing them from acting like an army, for the most part, so they're waiting around to see if there's going to be real war or not. Here's one, from when there *was* a war:

Lazy Ramadi

"The Middle East response to the Midwest response "Lazy Muncie", to the West Coast response "Lazy Monday" to SNL's "Lazy Sunday"" run time 3:16


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That was fun๐Ÿคฃ

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What is the context for that video? I donโ€™t speak Hebrew and have no idea what theyโ€™re saying. When was this video made? How do we know it has anything to do with the current issue?

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Exactly. Be discerning people! As I said, the TikTok nurses videos were fake, so are these.

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This is as fake and contrived as Covid TikTok nurses. Itโ€™s all staged.

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Yep, those are professionals. You can tell by the way they move.

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Looks likes one of those sexy singing telegrams people send as a joke.

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Thatโ€™s why I suspect it has nothing to do with the current conflict.

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Meh, we've had haley lujan for a few years now, same psyop tactic, different day.

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